quiz and pictures!

Dec 28, 2005 21:28

what lies beneath the LJ cut? something boring, no doubt.

smoked a cigarette-  no
crashed a friend's car- nope
stolen a car - ha considering i can't drive in the first place..
been in love- hmm
been dumped-yeah
shoplifted- candy when i was a wee lass
been fired- from where, my dads business? no.
done drugs- im a good kid.
been in a fist fight- a few, nothing maaaajor
snuck out of your parent's house - nope, all the exit doors are freakin loud. the window is too high. but from my friends houses      Snuck out of your grandparents house - um.... to sit on the roof?
had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back- hasn't everyone?                                                                                           been arrested- nah
gone on a blind date - nope
lied to a friend- unfortuantley                                                                                                                                                              skipped school- had 39 skipped classes on my 1st term report card. damn. 
seen someone die - lots on tv and movies
had a crush on one of your internet friends- thats sorta creepy
been to Canada- yeah, i've visted quite a few times.
been to Mexico- no, but one day.
been on a plane- yeah. goin on more in two days! yay.
purposely set a part of yourself on fire- yes.
eaten Sushi- yeah, everytime i eat it i dont like it.
been skiing- i live for skiing. too bad theres no snow.
met someone in person from the internet- yeah, friends friends and such.
taken painkillers- yeaah took 2 a couple hours ago
miss someone right now- yeah, a lot.
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by- come on, everyone has.
made a snow angel- um, yeah! last time - when it snowed at smus.
had a tea party- um... i've been to the oak bay tea party. 
flown a kite- not a real full sized kite. how deprived am i?
built a sand castle- oh yeah! last one was last summer.
gone puddle jumping- damn i love puddle jumping! lol
played dress up- duh!!!                                                                                                                                                                    jumped into a pile of leaves- i love doing that. oh the joys of fall.
gone sledding-  yup
cheated while playing a game- perhaps... haha YES
been lonely- mhm
fallen asleep at work/school- chapel, it happens often. look for me in chapel, and my eyes are most likely closed
used a fake id- haha i look like what, 12?
watched the sun set- i heart sunsets.
felt an earthquake- i heart earthquakes as well.
slept beneath the stars- it sounds so romantic... ahaha well i have but it def wasn't romantic.
been tickled- im the most tickleish person EVER IN THE EXISTANCE OF HUMANS
been robbed- my backpack avec my digital camera got stolen.
been misunderstood- all the time
petted a reindeer- can't say i have.
won a contest- yes
run a red light-  been in a car thats done that.
stayed up until 3am doing nothing- like talking on the phone? oh, good times.
been suspended from school- too many times to count. blah.
been in a car accident- yeah
had braces- never.                                                                                                                                                                             eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night- i'm not that much of a pig... okay well maybe i am. me and becca def bought a whole ice cream cake to ourselves, it said 'to all you gat slingas' on it. oh yeah. real gansta.
danced in the moonlight- another things that sounds romantic. sigh.
liked the way you look- when i was little i was cute
witnessed a crime- yeah
questioned your heart- many of times.
been obsessed with post-it notes- uh... is it weird that im not?
squished barefoot through the mud- no, but maybe one day i'll accomplish that.
been lost- yes
been to the opposite side of the country- sniff, no.
swam in the ocean- o'course!
felt like dying- yeah
cried yourself to sleep- yes. definatley.
played cops and robbers- yes. on bikes in our cul-de-sac with all the neighbourhood kids! oh man good times, how i wish to be 5-10 again.
recently coloured with crayons?- katrina = least creative person on earth.
gotten lost in a store- hmm..... im assuming i have.
sung karaoke- yer
fallen asleep on a trampoline- yup
paid for a meal with only coins- yeah
done something you told yourself you wouldn't do- i really dont listen to myself.
made prank phone calls- HAHA good times mandy. yes.
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose- root beer.
caught a snowflake on your tongue- last time, when it snowed at smus.
danced in the rain- woah, yesterday.
written a letter to Santa Claus- no, i stopped believing in him when i was 3. it went something like this "mommy, why does santa clause have the same wapping paper as us?" "uh... you've figured us out kid, hes not real" "i didnt fink so"
been kissed under a mistletoe- cheek and forehead haha
watched the sun rise with someone you care about- not specifically the sunrise... but thats another thing in this quiz that sounds oh-so-romantic.
blown bubbles- mhm
cut your hair only to regret it- nooo
gotten a tattoo- never
made a bonfire on the beach- mm bonfired. yeah.
gone roller skating- lol i got one skate, ali got one skate, down the halls of timmis.
had a wish come true- yeah
worn pearls- not real ones.
jumped off a bridge- I WANT TO that would be cool... like dive into a river then go swimming. but not suicide.
ate dog/cat food- yeah. a couple times. haha im so stupid.
ate horse food- hay? yeah.
sang in the shower- sometimes
had a dream that you married someone- no..
glued your hand to something- not that i remember
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole- how canadian does that sound? but no.
kissed a fish OR a horse- haha a horse.
sat on a roof top-yes
screamed at the top of your lungs- yes. feels good.
done a one-handed cartwheel- yup, many a time
talked on the phone for more than 6 hours?- i think so.
stayed up all night- yeah
didn’t take a shower for a week- no. ew.
been hospitalized for over a week- never (yay)
picked and ate an apple right off the tree- yer
climbed a tree- yeah of course
had a tree house- not my very own
are scared to watch scary movies alone- probably
believe in ghosts- hmm i dunno
have more then 30 pairs of shoes- noo, i wish i had that much money.
worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say- haha my uniform.
gone streaking- no haha but i almost did
gone doorbell ditching- yes
played chicken/truth or dare- i love dares. haha.
pushed into a pool/hot tub with all your clothes on-  they tried.
been told you're hot by a complete stranger- yeah. and stupid cars that honk while your walking on the road.
broken a bone- never suprisingly
been easily amused- hellllooo its kat, yeah.
caught a fish then ate it- caught a fish, cooked it, then ate it.
caught a butterfly- yeah.
laughed so hard you cried- hahaha wayyy to often.
had surgery- nope
cheated on a test- mighta happened.. once or twice or thrice.. me and iggi... cough.
had a Britney Spears CD- fricken birthday present from grandparents. wtf? thats sweet.. not.
French braided someone’s hair- i cant.
gone skinny dipping in a pool- half way.
been threatened to be kicked out of your house- oh yeah. to scared to actually kick me out though. i've walked out.
kissed someone under the stars- sigh, so romantic. why am i in such a romantic mood tonight? lol
had someone close to you die from suicide- he was close physically, across the street.
had someone close to you die in general- yeah
had someone younger than 2 years old die- no, 10 years old though
lost somebody close to you in the last year- um... try 3 close deaths in a month, and 5 deaths all around in less than 2 months. december was SUCH a bad month.

on a happier note....... i'm going to post some random pictures because random pictures rock.

this next picture.. i find so adorable

and, just because you know it had to be done with a new camera: taking a picture the camera in a mirror.

okay, so that entry sucked. but when i get back from kitimat avec ali and rebecca, you can be sure there will be PLENTY of pictures.
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