
Oct 21, 2008 08:04

It is really early in the morning and i had a shitty nights sleep so forgive me if i'm not as articulate as i need to be to get my point across but i'll attempt anyways.

I know that 99% of my friends are liberals and are most likely voting for Obama. i can accept that because the country does need change. any idiot can see that. what i don't get though is how we have a vice president candidate in Palin who at least on the surface, does not appear to be a typical politician who is in the pockets of big business. she is a real human being like all of the middle class and lower middle class people like myself, and the majority of my friends. she is not the most well rounded expert in all areas of government, and US history, and many other areas that so many people are quick to point out, but you are all ignoring the fact that she is the most down to earth person ever to run and is actually in touch with the general population . since when did for the people, by the people become a negative thing? stop listening to the news and other uninformed/biased sources. use your head. Obama hasn't even lived his whole life in the USA. i also highly doubt he has any clue what kind of struggles any of us go through. at least mccain has served his country respectably. Palin may have some conservative views you may not be in favor of, but i really don't think that obama and his communist policies should be voted in. strong anti-abortion platforms are only a tactic that republicans use to get votes. they have to represent the people, and the majority of the bible belt who votes for republicans need to hear their candidates supporting what they believe in. if a republican gets voted in, it doesn't automatically mean that Rowe vs. Wade is going to be reversed banning abortion. my point on that is don't just write somebody off because you differ with one point of view. no major antiliberal laws have been voted in the last 8 years, and if republicans continue to get elected, that won't change. you all have to realize that the crap you hear in commercials and coming from the candidates mouths are pretty much bs. every democratic presidential hopeful says no new taxes and every republican hopeful has come out strong against abortion... neither one follows through. start understanding how this shit works and embrace the fact that we can actually have somebody second in charge who isnt' a complete crooked politician. if you think mccain is too old then good! maybe we'll get lucky and he'll die and she'll be the president. i'll take palin over anyone besides maybe ron paul. if you think republicans suck and you'd never vote for one, you should at least tell me one good reason why so i can learn. nobody has all of the answers but we can learn a lot from each other.

i don't even want to know who you are voting for, but the change we need is to get away from douschebags like obama and bush who aren't in touch with america. the country goes through ups and downs all of the time. this IS the first "depression-like" time of our lives so i could understand the logic that we need to vote out the republicans in order to make things better but i say fuck that! the nation will bounce back on it's own no matter who is in office. history shows this. look it up. having a democrat in office will only mean higher taxes and more of a reliance on government which is the exact opposite of what our Constitution was put in place for. both candidates want the same thing for everybody so voting republican, or independent, is in your best interest. if any of you think that a strong central government funded by higher taxes is the way to go, and Obama is a fresh choice for office, please convince me. i don't really use livejournal anymore, and i'm sure many of you don't either, but i am all for having this as a political forum.

sorry if i jumped subjects a lot and possibly didn't make my point, but please take what i say into consideration. i am the rare republican you are probably friends with so use me as devils advocate as to why you shouldnt' vote democrat.

ron paul was the best presidential candidate, but since he's not on the ballot, please consider voting republican or independent just to keep the democrats out of office.
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