wow a whole nother month

Oct 23, 2003 13:50

well i just read my last entry and wow it's like so old a lot of shit has been going down and idk where i should start, ok well let me see if i can go back in time, uhm yesterday i was hanging out w/ ty and his brother came home w/ johnny and brandon took us ot church seeing how ty's mom didn't want us in the house while she wasn't there . . and we went to chruch and it turned into this whole stupid ordeal that didn't need to be started because i have - wait no that church has stupid iggnorent paster's i don't really care it's not like i'll be going back there in the future,

monday ty wen n got his wisdom teeth pulled and i got my root canal finally taken care of n i go back on the 3rd to get it all finished up and all that fun shit and i still need to get another one done . . joy / end sarcasim / next sunday will be 6 months me n ty have been going out . . it's crazy, i've been working at braums for just about 2 months now it's not to bad cept for the fact that they r screwing me over on my hours . . . i'm gunna stay there n look around for a better job and see what turns up from there, i'm hoping to get a better job soon

modeling- wow can't acutally beleice this word would come up in my life . . i went to the bikes blues and bbq thingy like 2 saturday's ago n it's was really cool also these girls came up to me n asked me if i was interested in modeling and acting i was like yeah sure ya kno juss for the heck of it n then i filled out this card thingy and then i gotta call from them that following wed night asking if ic ould go in for like a try out thingy thrusday so i went and what they did was that weekend before they had scouts go to the mall and to the bikes blues and BBQ thing where there were over 50,000 bikes there :-p and they only picked like 60 people to come in, and i was one of them and then i went to the thing and we got an interview and then we had to pose and then they sed they'd call some of us back if they were still interested . . well i got a call back that night and they only called back like 12 people and i was really surprised they called me back so to make a long story short i'll be taking a 10 week course every wed. from 6 - 9 p.m. n then after that i'm guarnteed to be signed with an agency . . ahh i'm so excited this is gunna be really cool

well i got my hair done like 3 weeks ago i really like it i dyed it red and got it cut short and it's like a bergendy red w/ lighter red high lights from my blonde high lights that i had had in it before, i wanna get it cut again when i get paid again n i'm thinkin of getting it really short and dying it like a platium blonde idk we'll see what kinda mood i'm in that day . . well as much as i'd love to chit chat i'm gunna go now . . l8r

p.s. i'm not lethargic i just wanted to see the smilie face for it lol
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