Jul 12, 2006 10:17
Wow... that's right... I still have a lj account... imagine that.
I'm sorry if anyone feels neglected from the lack of me, however I think those of you who've been really concerned about my where abouts have found me other places (yay facebook!)
so here's a little something I just posted on my myspace (clearly I have too many internet accounts):
"No not my wedding, don't worry! Rachel's, it's this weekend. And I'm having a LOT of fun helping with it, we did the Bachelorette on Monday it was tons of fun but of course I spent way too much money!
Last night while I was talking to Rich... it finally sank in that it's going to be a LONG time after this weekend when I see Rachel again because she's moving. I cried. It was the first time I cried about her getting married. I mean I'm really excited about her getting married and I think Jaron is a great guy... but she's leaving me :( I know she'll always be my best friend, but she's not "MY" Rachel anymore, she's Jaron's."
yea exciting and sad all at the same time...
yes I still have a fabulous boyfriend
no I still don't have a job
that is all.