dude, i like it. A lot [those 70s studs I mean]. It looks goodlah. People have different opinions. Even if you're my best friend since forever, doesn't mean our thoughts match all the time [man, that would be scareee]. Am I making a big deal out of this? I sound like I am.
p/s: by the way, what would you want for your b-day?
70s hoop earrings/earrings longer than 1 cm looks gay on people with short hair.
don't you think so?
i seriously think so.
i wore them once when my hair was super short and i felt a dick growing out down there.
uhm, i don't recommend it kong.
p/s: by the way, what would you want for your b-day?
the earrings DO look good! it's just that they don't look good on..on...URGH! FINE!
*holds the big "W" sign*
my birthday's not until july.
get me a rivers cuomo-lookalike, please.
whoo, emo boyfriend.
everyone wants one of those.
*guessing that the statement up there wouldn't match your preference again*
rivers cuomo's way out of reach for me to capture for your b-day present. is a malaysian substitute alright with you? [go figure]
yes, please!
*starts dreaming kinky thoughts*
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