This HAS to be here!

Aug 16, 2008 22:25

I used to do gymnastics in high school, and one of my inspirational figures was Nadia, you can see what I'm talking about... PERFECT 10, knowing that the standards have changed, watching her doing her perfect routine is so amazing and breath-taking.

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I'm a huge gymnastics fan, and I've been delighted with the Olympics, sadly US didn't win the gold ( Read more... )

juventus, comaneci

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Comments 15

niloo88 August 17 2008, 06:37:32 UTC
Woohoo! Congrats on the Test! :D

Wow, Nadia's landing was amazing! O_o They showed her in the stands last week :D


posh_doc August 17 2008, 12:36:00 UTC
Thanks, sweety! Step by step my goal is closer.

Isn't it? I can hardly believe something like that happened more than 30 years ago, for me she's still the best. I've recorded all the gymnastics events but havent yet seen Nadia, even though once they're wrong pointing at a total different person, I was so pissed off X(


niloo88 August 17 2008, 17:44:38 UTC
You haven't seen her, you mean in the audience?


posh_doc August 17 2008, 19:21:05 UTC
Yeah... I haven't! x(


antar82 August 18 2008, 11:55:40 UTC
congrats for your test, sweetie!!!

Comaneci *_______*
lol at the 1.00 XD they didn't even have space to write 10.00 ROTFL

I'm watching all olympics (see new icon I have! one of the few athletes that we could be proud of ...Italy isn't doing well :'( )

Chiello injured *cry* I'm scared to death :(


posh_doc August 18 2008, 12:29:17 UTC
Thanks, I'm so excited!! x)

She's amazing, don't you think? Even with a psycho coach as Bela.

Olympics equals pure love, it's so relaxing to watch how other people work their soul off to win the gold, which I recognize for sure. Italy, well... Pellegrini was great, and you guys rock in fencing, you know 18 medals so fr including 6 golds are not bad at all. Congrats!

Azurrini, Ohhh azurrini... I wish I'd see more of Sebas in the field, he's so cute anf fun to watch and he's 'kind of' celebrations.

Yesterdays match, guessing it was ok for Alex... but our defense remained me what we had at the beginning of 07/08 season, I'm so worry about Chiello... what the hell on this earth was Gatusso thinking??? Gosh, I hated Rino so much during the match, and later on he tackled Alex! x(


antar82 August 18 2008, 14:36:43 UTC
She's a goddess. Unbelievable ( ... )


posh_doc August 18 2008, 16:03:34 UTC
Nadia was my inspiration... sadly a car accident frustrated my youngster dreams, now I enjoy as you can imagine huge time watching the Olympics and can't wait for tonight and the uneven bars individual performances.

Well, that's a lot of meals comparing with countries that are not the typical olympic protagonists as US, China, Japan, Russia, etc, etc.

Giovinco has a huge weight over his shoulders already, and yes the pattern of "let's blame him just like Del Piero" is so obvious, that's why every single time I saw him I just want to pet him insanely. Anyway, Alex might advice him wisely, I guess they are quite closer, am I right?

No more exhaustive friendlies, hopefully no more injuries for the zebras.
Legro is in la nazzionale I just want him to shine there! And I have to confess it was a bit weird to me hering that Lippi called Alex up, I hope things work better for him than... well... always.


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