May 20, 2004 20:35
Today had to have been on of the worst days that i have had in a long ass time.... I found out that sara pulled some fucked up prank on ashley today and it had ash so fucking upset that she had to leave class... Sara i hope that you read this... You dont do shit like that to your best friend no matter what they did no one deserves that kind of shit....
And to make mi day even worse i dident get to talk to derek at all today and the one time that i did she him in the hall way i said hi him and he just kept walking... And i kow that he heard me cuz heis fucking friend waved to me when i said it but no he cant... Plus the fact that i havent been able to talk to him on the phone sence and in person sence tuseday... I am so fucking mad right now...
i am going to get going cuz i am talking to like 15 diff people on aim and it is had to do all that and this at the same time buh byez