(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 22:03

1. What is your full name? Roy Bratton "Jack" Pence

2. What color pants are you wearing? blue

3. What are you listening to right now? Minutemen - Political Song For Michael Jackson To Sing

4. What was the last thing you ate? I can't remember...

5. Do you wish on stars? nut uh

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? gween.

7. How is the weather right now? haven't looked in a while.

8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Natalie, I believe

9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Man, Alex sucks.

10. How old are you today? 16 and 3/4 or something. I don't care that much.

11. Favorite drink? Grape Juice

12. Favorite sport? sitting at home

13. Hair color? brown...?

14. Do you wear contacts? when I feel like it

15. Siblings? not any that count

16. Favorite month? November

17. Favorite food? Salad

18. What was the last movie you watched? Finding Neverland :'(

19. Favorite day of the year? Last Day of school, Warped Tour

20. What do you do to vent anger? eh...

21. What was your favorite toy as a child? Anything badly painted and with at least 6 points of articulation.

22. Summer or winter? Winter, tho I get tired of it quickly.

23. Hugs or kisses? either way...

24. Chocolate or Vanilla? depends. we talkin cake or ice cream?

25. do you want your friends to fill this out? if they do and it doesn't suck, sure, they can fill it out.

26. Who is most likely to respond? Joshie

27. Who is least likely to respond? Alex...since he already did it and stuff

28. Living arrangements? my mommy

29. When was the last time you remember crying? Damn you Johnny Depp, and your heartwarming movie about the life and times of J.M. Barrie!

30. What is under your bed? nothing

31. Who has been your friend the longest? Zachary Mangin.

32. What did you do last night? watched SWAT.

33. Favorite smell? thats a weird question.

34. What inspires you? Nothing and everything, all at the same time, yet never at once. Oh, and random paradoxes that make no sense.

35. What are you afraid of? the dark. and spiders.

36. Plain, buttered or salted popcorn? Caramel

37. Favorite car? Honda Accord

38. Favorite Flower? No matter how I answer this, I sound gay.

39. Number of keys on your key ring? Zero.

40. How many years at your current job? none

41. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday. Cuz the next day you get up and you're like "I can't believe it's thursday!" or something.

42. What did you do on your last birthday? Had a few people over, went to the movies.

43. How many states have you lived in? Uno

44. How many cities have you lived in? Zero, I guess, since they were both outside of city limits

45. Word association

Rubber - bouncy ball
Rock - Geodude
Green - Salad
Wet - Water?
Peanut - Butter and Jelly!
Old - Nursing homes
Steamy - Steam?
Fast - Sonic The Hedgehog
Freaky - Friday. But damn did I hate that movie.


46. Talk in your sleep: yeah

47.Walk in your sleep: nope

48. Have a crush: nut uh

49. Want to get married: yes

50. Get motion sickness: sometimes

51. Play with toys: Transformers ^_^

52. Get along with you're parents: Most of the time.

53. Like thunderstorms: mmhmm

Would you ever:

54. Eat a bug: For 5 bucks, I'll do anything you want me to ;)

55. Hang glide: Maybe, if I were taught how

56. Kill someone: More than likely, were I angry/scared enough

57. Kiss someone of the same sex: god no.

58. Have sex with someone of the same sex: Yes. (more random paradoxes of the nonsensical vareity!)

59. Parachute from a plane: Nut uh. Heights = bad.

60. Walk on hot coals: no. ow. no.

61. Go out with someone for their looks: no. they'd get on my nerves and I'd end up hating them. I mean, if their personality sucked.

62. For their reputation: Probably not.

63. Be a vegetarian: I doubt it

64. Wear plaid with stripes: Heh...yeah...

65. IM a stranger: mmhmm

66. Sing Karaoke: probably not, 'less I were coherced into doing it. I think I spelled coherced right.

67. Get drunk off your ass: more than likely not

68. Shame someone: yeah...but only if it's funny

69. Shoplift: depends what it is, how badly I need it, how likely I am to get caught, and whether or not it's Wal Mart. I mean, they already have more than enough money

70. Run a red light: on accident, maybe, but not on purpose

71. Star in a porn video: Let me ask you this: If I did, would you want to watch it?

72. Sleep naked: I doubt it.

73. Dye your hair blue: People that dye their hair are stupid. All of them.

74. Be on Survivor: That's still on?

75. Wear makeup in public: eyeliner, maybe

76. Not wear makeup in public: yes...?

77. Cheat on a test: Probably

78. Make someone cry: Depends who it is

79. Date someone more than 10 years older than you: nut uh.

80. Stay up all night: It's a good time

81. Get Back with your ex: Depends which one. 6/7 of the time, no.

82. Drive more the 5 hours to visit a friend: Joshie! Kinda...

83. Ditch your friends for a guy/girl: probably.

84. Engage the PDA: What kinda PDA?

85. What was your favorite day this past week? It all sucked. Wednesday was alright tho.
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