Aug 06, 2005 21:46
lol found the damn dog
i dont know how she got where she was
but it was far away
besdies the fact that every time my dad went somewhere
i told hiim that the damn window shouldnt be down all the way
he neevr bothered to put the window up even alittle
and the dog jumped out
stupid effing zoey
i thought i was going to have a freakin break down
anyways i had to go to my aunts 50TH
it was fun actually
damn messed up family beating each other up
my aunt and uncle have five kids
they are all like 20's and 30's
but still wrestle
it was hilarious
and dumb ass debates about fucking jesus
i was like i dont really care about jesus dont talk to me
so yeah
now i dont know what to do
but i will go to sleep like now
im much too tired for this tonight