Jul 17, 2005 10:49
got the myspace going
i dont like it
i like LJ alot better
myspace is to confusing
i cant even do anything on it
it kinda sucks fer me
but yeah
we had our family party
now its pretty much over and
my bro like took over everything with his dumb friends!
not cool
and im alone in my house
and my own aunt thought i was a girl
and at first she thought i was my mom
then she said i was too young
i dont htink i look like a girl
then she has been saying i was a cutie
im not even that cute so she must be really old
my self esteem dropped like completely off the self-esteem table
it sucks ass
and of course of all nights i have to be alone
its noones fault though
sorry char and katie
you would glad you didnt come though
it was terrible
i hate today
and i am going to make this my memory of my worst day too