Oct 12, 2004 16:42
I love being a male. Because being a male means that I don't have to write about things like accessories and handbags. I also don't have to get manicures or really take enjoyment out of them. ;) I do however have to attend said event as well as similar ones when I have found that bit of joy in life known as woman.
Did you know that in Greek mythology, Pandora, the first woman was sent to Earth to be a burden and the downfall of man? Isn't that interesting? The Greeks certainly had quite a view on women. Not that I necessarily agree with or condone said opinion of women. After all, without women, we wouldn't have such things as elaborate weddings or high school dances. Interior decorating wouldn't be a viable job and we would all have killed each other just because we can and it's fun.
I also love my job. Some would say that I'm a sadist because of it, but they don't understand. There is nothing quite like managing the routines of 150 people. I'll be sad to let it go.
I love my friends. Though they are few, that just means that I can lavish them with love. It often makes a difference in their lives. I wonder what my life would be like if I was my own friend? It would be interesting to see how I treat others from the perspective of somebody else. I don't think that there are that many people that really love me as I am. Then again, not too many people know me for who I am, so I think that it all evens out. I like it that way. I have a hard time managing 15 best friends. ;)
Girlfriends. Ahhhh yes, girlfriends. Or lack thereof. Whichever. I'm at a point in life where I don't really need a girlfriend, but I think that I wouldn't mind having one if she were of the right personality. And she would need a certain....what is it? Genosequa? Is that how it's spelled? Some things I just can't duplicate. Anyway, she needs a bit of that. And spunk. Oh, and she should also be a bit "snazzy!" Okay, so now I'm just using really great adjectives. But she should have a lot of really great adjectives! That's the whole point of a girlfriend. You should continuously be able to use many many excellent adjectives to describe her, because she'll make you feel a lot of really really great adverbs! I feel like this is turning into a mad lib.
Back to Admin stuff. If you think that you would like to apply for one of the above positions in my life, please do. I am accepting applicants. :)