Title: Never Rating: PG Summary: Ginny takes it upon herself to expand Harry's horizons. Word Count: 1,455 Notes/Warnings: Harry/Ginny. Rather very fluffy. Yes indeed. :) Written for r_becca's Alphabet Challenge.
That is absolutely adorable! It's fluffy, yes, but not over the top. The way you write Harry as insecure and perfectly teenager-y keeps him from being too saccharine.
As your moderator, I must point out that you totally blew past the 200-700 word limit but I don't care.
I agree with r_becca, this was fluffy and delicious without being- gooey? lol I too like that Harry still has insecurities as an 18 year old, it makes him all the more endearing.
Comments 16
That is absolutely adorable! It's fluffy, yes, but not over the top. The way you write Harry as insecure and perfectly teenager-y keeps him from being too saccharine.
As your moderator, I must point out that you totally blew past the 200-700 word limit but I don't care.
*runs off, sends a "thanks for the review" note to Becca from a cave Hungaria, where she will never be found*
Excellent, Keep up the good work!
Not too sweet...not too fluffy. Just right. ::is content::
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