Sep 14, 2005 21:23
If anyone knows me they know what lengths i go to for my friends. I may not be able to be there all the time, but I am when it counts. I would die for my real friends, and they know who they are. To be accused of being selfish is bullshit. I am one of the most selfless people in my eyes, and in the eyes of many others. I have a problem with not giveing a fuck about myself. And you know what, I found something that makes me happy, and you damn fucing right im gonna put effort into makin it work. IM happy about something, so your damn right im gonna talk about it. And when im upset, you should be damn sure that im gonna wanna confide in someone, and have someone to listen to me. Just like anyone else would. I dont talk about her that much at all, maybe when i just met her yeah, but not anymore. Last weekend we were havin a bumpy time, so i wanted people to talk to. Thats over now. I found something in my life that actually brings a smile to my face. Dont try to take it the fuck away. I dont ussually get mad like this, im sorry if im scareing anyone, but I wanna be happy. And i have a right to be. SO fuck all the ney sayers, you dont mean a thing...If you wanna throw away a friendship with me like that then i dont need you, i apologized for bitchin about her to you, and I apologied for making certain remarks. So fuck it...