Going for three May entries

May 31, 2007 21:51

Not much going on other than work and the like. I've been a bit more tired than usual due to work but I think my body hasn't yet adjusted to what custodial work requires of it. Because of this I haven't been biking very much at all which makes me feel all disappointed. On the other hand I've been talking hour or so long walks three/four nights a week and at least half hour long walks most other nights along with biking the mile to work so I could be doing worse.

I applied to take out some fun student loans in order for me to study abroad next year. My next step is to buy a train ticket from Frankfurt Int'l Airport to Freiburg so I can mail in a transportation info form.


Work: I'm a little concerned about effing up my elbow or something due to the constant scrubbing involved in my work, but am pretty sure my body can handle doing this stuff for three months. I'm more concerned about the effect of all the cleaning chemicals on my lungs and whatnot over the course of the three months, luckily I had the nerve to ask where the chemical masks were earlier today and found that to be helpful in giving me peace of mind. Hopefully it also filters it somewhat well, too. Hrm. It does feel better while I wear it, though.

Germany: I have to speak this shit when over there. Kind of worrying. I'm also worried I'll come back kind of loopy (batshit insane?) as I've found I get a bit loopier after each year of college but I was probably about as weird back in high school actually (hopefully?). Fun example: While driving back from the post office I saw there was a squirrel that'd been run over. Upon seeing this I just exclaimed to myself in the car "BARFO!!". In my defense it was a really boring/rainy drive.

I think that is a good ending for this.
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