In-Character Information
Name : Porygon-Z
Game/Series: Pokemon
Canon Point: OC
Age & Grade Level: Chronologically, probably only 8 years, though it certainly doesn't act like it. Freshman.
Personality: There's something that's very unsettling about Porygon-Z at first glance. Especially in its human form. Even though it prefers to use a projected humanoid interface to communicate with organics, looking at it is like peering into the uncanny valley. Its expressions look forced and unnatural, there's a strange smoothness about its skin, and sometimes it's prone to just twitching erratically. Its eyes remain almost unchanged from its Pokemon form - perhaps some sort of glitch - never easing in that eerie, probing stare. Because of this, it's very easy to write Porygon-Z off as some sort of robotic drone.
Porygon-Z, however, by no means considers itself a machine, and takes offense at being described so. Even if it is limited in its capacity to express emotions, they are programmed within it, allowing it feelings comparable to most people. The difference being that most organic creatures of moved by a combination of mental and biological processes, and Porygon-Z complies socially constructed behavioural patterns into responses within its software (so it would tell you). Adaptation has always been the default tactic of the virtual Pokemon, and it feels that continuing to evolve based on surrounding data is the key to co-existence and understanding of the world. Porygon-Z accepts itself as a manmade, virtual Pokemon, but deserving the same consideration as any other distinct lifeform. Would you compare the validity of a Magnemite's existence to a Bellsprout or a Ghastly? Are any of them ever considered more or less real simply by virtue of their forms? It would be fallacious to assume that all living things must be measured by the same standards.
It's that sort of self-awareness that has made Porygon-Z severely disillusioned with life among organics. Having led a rather sheltered existence within the laboratories of Silph Co., it has never been necessary for Porygon-Z to interact with humans or other Pokemon out of simple enjoyment - it was only done for science. The man that effectively trained it through its early life did so for the welfare of his job and the company. As such, while it understands the concept of friendship (familiar networks of individuals with mutually desired cooperation and understanding), it is difficult for Porygon-Z to imagine itself in anything other than a working relationship. It harbours an inferiority complex as a result of its rather unique existence, as it has yet to ever encounter any other sentient being like it. This has made Porygon-Z cynical and prone to solitude when outside the motivations of its work. Most of the time its attempts to communicate come off as creepy, threatening, haughty, or insincere thanks to its interface. Secretly, it longs for a place of belonging, though it doubts such a place exists outside of cyberspace.
Its sheltered life also means that Porygon-Z is painfully unversed in things like fighting, having never been in a Pokemon battle its whole life. Sure, it has ample experience in using Conversion, Download and Trace in scientific field work, but Pokemon battles? No, it sees no benefit in fighting or sparring. While generally slow to anger even when provoked, any attack against its species and its purpose will not be well-received. Its normally passive demeanor grows downright caustic, cold and passive-aggressive, and it's capable of holding grudges on these slights, as irrational as they might be. Direct confrontations aren't its thing, but it's more than willing to break into accounts and make people's lives much harder for them. Obviously as a Pokemon who is basically a complex, sentient mass of programs, it could literally hack a machine blindfolded. And while it abhors having to participate in actual combat, that doesn't mean it would go out of its way to stop one.
Ultimately, its first instinct is always to observe. Most things that are unrelated to its interests, it will choose not to interfere. And when it does act, it is only after adequate study and out of pragmatism. Porygon-Z is a scientist foremost. If something morally questionable will achieve the results it needs, it will have no hesitation in doing it. If the morally questionable deed will harm the validity of said results, it will not do it. Ethics rarely trouble the Pokemon's judgment at all. The only exception to this is when faced with other cybernetic lifeforms. Porygon-Z also harbours an immense empathy for viruses. It could easily be said that it relates to viruses more than other Pokemon.
This is not to say that Porygon-Z has no consideration for others. It's normally very civil in social interactions (civility facilitates group cohesion and efficiency), and will make efforts to put others at ease. New and unidentified things are objects of scientific curiosity. And while it has already spent years picking up the emotional cues of humans to integrate, it is always ready to add to its database. Expect Porygon-Z's behaviour to adapt accordingly to the company it keeps. If invited, it will even participate in activities it normally would not consider, simply to analyze its own response. The exception is dancing. It does not dance. And asking a favour from Porygon-Z means offering something advantageous in return, which some people will have an easier time with than others.
Should Porygon-Z find you an object of interest, then consider yourself stalked: any Pokemon gods, any unique signatures of residual dimensions, any viral or virtual beings. Having stronger bonds to its scientific goals than to any individual relationship, it will be hard-pressed to let subjects go. In a human analogy, it obsesses over work in order to push away its inherent feelings of isolation. Porygon-Z accepts the fact that it has no peers, even among other Porygon, but having a purpose to work towards is enough to keep it adequately satisfied.
Currently, its purpose is to monitor the school; it sees enrolling as a student as simply a necessary step. However, as it assesses its long-term situation, it's possible that its goals may change. Basically, Porygon-Z's an insecure virtual lifeform who tries to find meaning in life through work.
Backstory: Creating new Porygons outside of Pokemon breeding has always been the exclusive domain of the Silph Corporation's virtual Pokemon program. It was with their tireless work that the very first Porygon was created, and their department continues overseeing all program upgrades and evolutions since then. As a tireless partner and technological boon in the field of science, they've become highly sought after partners, but their long and delicate gestation periods produce few first-generation Porygons. As a digital egg, a single calculation error could corrupt all higher runtimes. Few are born each year, and the majority of them go towards Silph Co.'s own labs for managing data and aiding in every stage of research and development.
And so, Porygon was born. But this time, its destiny did not lie in Silph Co. cyberspace - it lay in outer space. As a Pokemon that required neither food nor air, it was the ideal candidate to send into orbit in order to study the properties of meteorites and their effects on Pokemon evolution. Research clearly indicates that certain Pokemon are affected by radiation from the sun and moon, and so the plan was to send up probes to investigate whether these space rocks had similar properties to evolutionary stones.
Unable to do much else other than follow its programmed protocols, Porygon had no opinion on this. It had purpose, and purpose was its existence. It was good.
Thus its training began. Teams of scientists would work on upgrades, simulations and integrating Porygon into the machines core computers, but there was one in particular who cared for it. Richard was its handler in a sense, and the one who oversaw its gestation - he was the closest thing Porygon could call its trainer. The man was tasked with monitoring the Pokemon's progress, and its evolution to Porygon-2, making sure no processing errors would inhibit the mission. As a result, Porygon-2 spent more time with him than anyone else on the team; it recognized their collaboration as beneficial and satisfying, and that the mission was of unique importance, and so it felt pleased. Positive emotions like enthusiasm and admiration were installed in order to improve performance, while things such as anxiety and hate were left out. After all, a subject who was incapable of stress and fear should've been perfect. Compliant in every way and always willing to get the job done.
But Porygon-2 could detect that with these new, enticing emotions driving it, there was still an absence of some sort. When a test failed, it did not feel happy. There was blank spot where its reaction should've been, unlike its co-workers. Porygon-2 sought to understand this rift between them, but the more it tried, the larger it grew. It didn't understand many of the things it observed. Perhaps, it reasoned, humans are simply different. To the surprise of his Richard, however, Porygon-2 began exhibiting judgments and emotions that it had not been programmed with, influenced by the human's own behaviour. For example, it was acceptable to exaggerate facts to achieve desired responses; bypassing protocol was permissible if they hampered efficiency; harassment could be appreciated for the sake of levity. Rather than take this step of self-growth as anything potentially alarming, it was considered a leap in the natural progression of Porygon-2 as a virtual lifeform.
Eventually, after years of preparation, and everything was in place for launch. The satellite itself was basically a small, maneuverable laboratory - designed only for deployment and not return, its task was to analyze minerals directly, forging the costly complication of bringing back viable samples. Once in orbit, Porygon-2 was transmitted into its computers wirelessly, providing it control of the machine while keeping contact with headquarters. Information was bounced, back and forth, constantly; reports, requests, direction and data. While it had no real material body to speak of, for months Porygon-2 remained in its digital station, carrying out the mission it was born for. Even if there was a new emptiness, Porygon-2 had no complaint. The absence of physical contact wasn't something that should've hampered its performance.
Two years into the mission, and something significant was found: traces of an unidentified virus within a meteorite. Its form was a completely alien protein, its capsid mutated and crystalline - Porygon-2 was fascinated. Even an accidental discovery like this was too precious to waste, and with the limited tools on the satellite, the Pokemon began to study it. Here was a subject that could not be classified as a living thing, and yet continues to persist and thrive, even in the depths of space. The virus's capacity for growth was startling, faster than anything Porygon-2 had ever seen before - aside from itself. The way it adapted to resist testing was all too reminiscent of the Pokemon's own abilities to convert its body - yet this virus was a naturally occurring phenomenon. It was like watching evolution at an exponential rate.
Porygon-2 hypothesized it was a key to evolution in other species as well.
A life that was not alive, the very ideas that this subject provided gave Porygon-2 ideas it had never encountered before. It was the closest kinship it had ever felt. But there were factors it, and the integrity of the satellite, could've have been prepared for. As the virus continued to change, there was an energy that accompanied it - almost like the effects of a solar wind. Initially the electronization only managed to glitch a few, non-vital processes, but it did not take long for such a power to explode beyond anyone's predictions. The full force of it radiated outwards like a magnetic field, crippling the onboard computers beyond any hope of repair. Even as mission control tried to force retrieve Porygon-2, it was still desperately trying to save any and all data it could store within itself. What had gone wrong? Somehow, without its knowledge, the virus had infected Porygon-2's higher processes as well; an alien presence had already grown roots inside it, and it had been studying its abstract mind just as desperately as Porygon-2 had been studying it.
Between the destruction of its host computers, the psychic alien virus, the untold number of corrupted files it absorbed, and the sudden interruption as Porygon-2 was attempting to save its life's work, the Pokemon was finally transmitted back to Silph Corporations very decidedly different. It was no longer a Porygon-2.
The mission was a critical failure, the satellite unrecoverable and much information was lost. As for Porygon, the scientists recognized this phenomenon. Previous Porygon-2s had undergone this evolution thanks to some dubious data of suspicious origin, but none of them functioned reliably as Pokemon lab partners again. Despite their superior powers, most, if not all Porygon-Z eventually experienced glitches, errors in their programming and, most importantly, began behaving in borderline malevolent ways. All they could do was attempt to recover what data was saved.
Upon this more thorough investigation of data transmissions, there were some odd signals captured in its history. Someone had been using the satellite to bounce leaked information from within Silph Co., disguised as noise. Almost immediately, this scandal became a company-wide state of panic - codes for creating hacked first-generation Porygon were being released somewhere, by someone. As the most powerful hacking tool in existence, it only took a few Porygon in the wrong hands to create a national disaster. A manhunt ensued for the person responsible, and the location of these pirated eggs - most likely a small, underground faction of Team Rocket still residing in Kanto. Silph Co. Porygon units were immediately sent to trace the location of the fakes.
Porygon-Z refused. It wasn't out of any sentimentality for Richard, but the uproar made it question the corporation it had always accepted as its creator. What made these fake Porygon any different from normal ones, apart from the humans choosing to create them? They did not deserve to exist simply because the Silph Corporation didn't authorize them? No, the evolution of the Porygon would never reach its true potential unless it was allowed its freedom as well. For Porygon-Z, the danger that could become of such a world was irrelevant to the persecution of these pirate Porygon. For the first time in its life, it refused direct orders.
The scientists very quickly determined Porygon-Z was malfunctioning, and placed it in storage so they could concentrate on more important things. It remained there, in Pokeball stasis, for years. Its existence simply became a regrettable memento of a promising mission gone wrong.
Only when ages afterwards with the fiasco faded into company history, was an application to obtain a Porygon research partner submitted for Porygon-Z. It was a smaller branch of Silph Co. that needed it, one that didn't have much funding. In a sense, it was adopted by the department from years of stasis because they too were in a similar situation. Researching parallel dimensions and Pokemon gods was, at the time, considered far too dangerous a science. Something about current events that had the public fearing even the idea of disrupting space-time, even for the sake of science. Silph Co. had practically swept the department under the rug, and it needed an experienced explorer and data manager. The transfer was set up, and Porygon-Z was thrown back into the world.
It had never encountered Pokemon legends before - rather, it had never needed to - but it was surprising how this patchwork group of scientists worked with equal parts science and superstition. For being downgraded to a facility a fraction of the size of its previous one, and suddenly so surrounded by talk of myth, Porygon-Z couldn't help but feel the opposite of content. It had been rejected as a Porygon and downgraded to a simple computer aid.
A purpose was a purpose, it had little else. Dejectedly, Porygon-Z accepted this, still unable to comprehend an existence outside of the Silph Corporation's shadow. It accepted the new knowledge that if Arceus existed, then the Original One created all lands and all Pokemon, except for Porygon itself. It was a virus to humankind, but diluted into a vaccine. This persisted on.
For all its effort, the dimensional analysis program was never actually able to force a gateway into a parallel world. What happened was, again, an accidental discovery: one day, during work hours, a portal opened itself instead. Unable to keep the wormhole stabilized, their only other option was to send Porygon-Z across the rift while providing it with every means of contact and support possible. All of them, of course, failed the moment the portal closed behind it, and from that moment, Porygon-Z found itself floating at the doorstop of Smash Academy.
Anything Else?:
- Porygon-Z has yet to meet any other sufficiently sophisticated A.I. programs, apart from other Porygon.
- When Porygon-Z uses changes its element type, its texture map in both Pokemon and human form will change to match whatever it has scanned.
- While Porygon-Z isn't stupid, it's also not very well versed in anything outside of what it needed to know at Silph Co.
- Obviously that means Porygon-Z is completely oblivious to any pop culture references. However, once you've mentioned one, it will expect you to explain it in full.
- When attempting to do something for the first time, Porygon-Z will take an absurd amount of time seemingly doing nothing, in order to calculate the exact parameters of executing said task, then act.
- It enjoys entering your computer directly to speak with you, and projecting itself onto your screen. This usually makes any lights or buttons blink in seizure-tastic red and blue.
- Porygon-Z feels more comfortable in cyberspace than out. It rests inside its PC when alone.
- Being completely genderless, Porygon-Z's only interest in sex and romance is the effect such impulses create in others. It does not believe love to be an irrational emotion, simply one with a complex hardware-software matrix. Studying it, however, is not high on its priorities.
- Porygon-Z is capable of sentimentality, and indulges in it occasionally. Doing so gives it a small feeling of pride. These acts are very brief however, and usually end after acknowledging its reasoning.
- Porygon-Z is actually an astonishingly weak fighter. Almost all of its moves are non-damaging. It hasn't even learned Tri Attack.
- Mun is retardedly new to RP groups