Jun 06, 2006 12:02
random things that make life awesome, in no particular order.
- hershey's kisses
- sleeping in
- having new music to put in my ipod
- laughing really hard
- inside jokes
- soft couches
- freshly baked cookies
- finding a 50-dollar note in my pocket
- sand between my toes
- swings
- wind blowing in my face
- lay's (sour cream and onion)
- frozen yogurt
- jelly belly
- making a new friend
- dancing
- singing my heart out when i'm alone
- losing weight
- full-cream milk
- phone calls from mom
- acrylic paint
- angels
- scented candles
- movies
- coupons
- my blanket
- writing in my diary
- playing guitar
- praying
- getting mail
- coffee
- pink sparkly nailpolish
- flip-flops
- strawberry cheese-cake
- finally having enough time for myself
- being school-free (at least, at the moment)
- dove conditioner
- peach mango pies
- being safely indoors during stormy weather
- being nice to people
- long hot showers