mew mew mew~!

Aug 12, 2009 13:57

This is a bit late but... I watched Mew performing live on Java Rockin' Land on Sunday with some friends. IT WAS AWESOMENESS AND I THINK I'M GONNA CRY BECAUSE I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS ACTUALLY THERE AND HEARD JONAS SING. Jonas, omg Jonas... he has this sweet sweet voice... his expressions and gestures when he sings - like he doesn't care where he is and like he is in a trance, guh! he always tears me apart. And Bo... man, he's such a cool guy and in control and and... (be still my weak fangirl heart), and Silas being Silas, lol. Bastian! *drools* and doctor Nick! I don't give a shit what people say in their reviews (except if they're good lol) I think it was a night to remember...

*still flying*

mew, rl, music

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