Jul 19, 2004 01:06
i remember a time when if one of my friends wanted to get drunk they'd do it in secret and be sort of ostricized in some sense. now it's like i hafta be a closet straightedge if i wanna stay sober. am i the only one who doens't see the appeal in getting completely plastered? i mean let me know if i am cuz i'd rather know if i'm the one with the problem rather than thinking everyone else has the problem.
i mean i feel like a walking talking after school special cuz i walked out of a party cuz everyone was drunk and stoned. i have better things to do than tend to my drunken friends while they puke and pass out. they're not even fun when they're drunk. apparently the phrase "i'm drunk" is a magical phrase that automatically makes everything you do acceptable and a proverbial license to be a complete dick.
and dude, seriously, moderation
but in other news: today marked 2 months with phylicia. go me! she's so beautiful and i love her so much.
i'm tired of being broke (and people close to me are tired of me being broke). so i ditched the starving musician role and started applying to some places. but my pursuit of a full time teaching job is looking promising at the music academy. they have such high standards in their instructors and to say that my knowledge of music is "impressive" is such a great feeling and is really inspiring me to keep going after my goal of being a professional musician. hopefully if i get hired at some shitty place it'll be my last ever "real job"
aside from all that, my days are filled with nothing but teaching twice a week, playing magic once a week, and seeing phylicia the rest of the time. it's a sweet deal if you ask me. if my band would just get together once in a while i'll call myself fulfilled