Oct 29, 2008 17:42
I feel like I havent updated in a while..whats up? How are you?
Oh, Im fine, thanks for asking..
Actually, I feel like poop. I have a head cold and this is no bueno. How bad is it? Well, let's put it this way: I was tired of getting up from my studies every few minutes to get more tissue to blow my snots (that was graphic, sorry), so finally I just went to our pantry and took a whole roll of toilet paper....and now, my nose is red and irritated but at least my feet arent cold from walking around my igloo of an apartment.
Actually I shouldnt even be here, (bad girl). Ive got bummloads of studying to do and I have to wake up in a few hours to catch the morning train to Lisbon..yay!!
I have a few family and friends sprinkled around Portugal, so we all settled upon halloween weekend to meet in Lisbon. Im very much looking forward to seeing the friends I havent seen since Summer of 2007, 3 in particular I have not seen in 4 years!! Although people dont really celebrate Halloween here, I know it will be a celebration nonetheless.
I come back monday night with homework due and an exam on Tuesday morning, "nice planning, Amanda", right?
I hope to take some fun fotos of my highly anticipated weekend, in the meantime, send me good immunity vibes, Im sick of sneezing!!