Oct 04, 2009 10:32
Nights are getting colder. Winterberries have turned red and likewise the spotted wintergreen has transitioned from white flowers to red berries. The forest floor is littered with fallen acorns and vermilion leaves. Pear shaped puffballs flourished briefly last weekend and were seen perched in clumps and rows on fallen logs. Tufts of honey mushrooms have been sprouting at the bases of oak trees. One solitary grifola emerged on Monday and was snatched and rushed home for drying. Then, after miles of unsuccessful hiking in prime locations, an impromptu after-work walk at Stonehurst resulted in a jackpot. We found 18 pounds of hen of the woods. Being caught unprepared without carry bags we loaded our arms full. It was difficult to sneak out unnoticed with our burden and we sent some suspicious dog walkers home happy with a sample of our hoard.
Today we returned to the Blue Hills and hiked East to scramble up Chickatawbut Hill (517 ft). One section along this portion of the skyline trail presented what seemed to be a near vertical rock face. Julian assures me that it wasn't . In any case, it felt unreasonably challanging to the unconditioned but we took our time to get good foot and handholds and were happily rewarded with a lovely view. A little bit further along the trail we spotted a spicebush swallowtail caterpillar. This fellow is normally an attractive apple green sporting large black pseudo eyes with yellow lids, lines of flashy blue baubles and a black moustache but just prior to pupating, their color changes to the shocking canary yellow that made us both stare incredulously.
Earlier this week we made an Escoffier inspired pork roast with apples, onions, and potatoes. Tonight we marinaded chicken breasts in khmeli-suneli and lemon juice and tossed them on the grill. Our commercially prepared version of this Georgian spice mixture contains coriander seeds, clove buds, cinnamon, fennel seeds, mint, dill, savory, fenugreek leaves and marigold petals. For dessert we whipped up a batch of Nigella's cappucino cupcakes. Julian had hoped to use his new icing tip set but the accompanying frosting was really not the right texture to try piping with. In fact getting the majority to balance on top before hardening seemed a high detail job, but the result was very appetizing.
This week we decided that we would return home to England for Christmas and booked our plane tickets. We will be dreaming not only of figgy pudding but also of the Chrismas Ham that Bojan has planned.
urban nature,
blue hills,