Challenge # 45! yay!
This challenge is SPECIAL.
So this time you need to use the pictures provided AND the textures provided.
Under the cut you'll find 10 textures and you are free to use any of them.
I think it's pretty simple but If you have any questions please ask.
sunnymystery by
colormetwice by
lianna_91 by
colormetwice by
kopgirl by
kopgirl by
colormetwice by
pin_point by
deny1984 by
talipuu Rules:
-All participating icons should be new and never posted before, made especially for this community.
-You can submit up to 4 icons
-You can use only the images provided.
-All effects, such as text, textures, gradients, blend etc. are allowed except animation if it's not a special rule of a challenge. We can still have special challenge such as "textless" etc.
-Post the icons in a comment in both IMG SRC(html link) and URL(direct link) form
-Your icon should fit LJ standarts: 40 Kb or less, 100x100, .gif, .jpg or .png
-You may use one picture for several icons
-You shouldn't tell anyone, which icon is yours until the results're posted
-Comments're screened
deadline: SATURDAY April 24th is MONDAY April 26th ~07:00 PM GMT