I love the first photo but it wasn't enough so i added 3 more :)
-All participating icons should be new and never posted before, made especially for this community.
-You can submit up to 4 icons
-You should use only the images provided (if it's not a challenge where you're to use your images)
-All effects, such as text, textures, gradients, blend etc. are allowed except animation if it's not a special rule of a challenge. We can still have special challenge such as "textless" etc.
-Your icon should fit LJ standarts: 40 Kb or less, 100x100, .gif, .jpg or .png
-You can use one picture for several icons
-You shouldn't tell anyone, which icon is yours until the results're posted
-Comments're screened
-The deadline: 16.04.09, 18:00 GMT
To see the whole image click on it
Entries: 15
suggest a challenge