Maybe I'll flip a coin...

May 19, 2008 14:50

The Oregon democratic Primary ends tomorrow (we have mail-in ballot only elections, so people have been voting for weeks now). Yesterday, Barack Obama came and spoke at Waterfront Park. According to The Oregonian, 72,000 people attended the rally. That's 60,000 in the gate, 12,000 hanging out outside. The line to get in was 24 blocks long. Meanwhile, Hillary left town after a televised speech Friday to go promote herself in Kentucky where she has a better chance.

I have been a Hillary supporter for the last year. She's an amazing female role model, and she would make a great president. But lately, she hasn't been wowing me with her campaign platform. She's talking about ending the war, universal health care, and other points that are important to me, but I don't feel that she'll actually be the advocate for my concerns that I want in the white house. Maybe she's just given up on getting my vote already. An Obama victory in Oregon seems pretty inevitable at this point. The peer pressure to vote for him around here is pretty intense, and not just from the other Oregonians. My whole family is voting for him, including my Dad, who's a life-long Republican! It's really appealing to jump on the bandwagon, especially since he does seem to care about all the things I do.

So I'm kind of torn, and I decided to use one of those online quizzes that tells you who is the candidate that best reflects your views. And because the universe would never let me off the hook that easily...

Mike Gravel
60Barack Obama
38Hillary Clinton-18
You expected: Barack Obama
Your recommendation: Mike Gravel

Party: Democratic
Born: 1930, Springfield, Massachusetts
Family: Married twice. Two children and four grandchildren
Career: US Army; Special Agent in the Counter Intelligence Corps; taxi driver; barman; brakeman; property developer
Political career: 3rd Speaker of the Alaska House of Representatives, 1965-6; US Senator from Alaska 1969-1981. Environment and Public Works and Finance and Interior Committees; chaired the Energy, Water Resources, and Environmental Pollution subcommittees
Hot topic: Fair tax
Did you know? Born to French-Canadian immigrant parents, Marie Bourassa and Alphonse Gravel; Mike spoke only French until he was seven years old
Supported by: Ralph Nader

Look. I voted for Nader in 2000. I don't regret that. And we all know my vote doesn't really matter. But Mike Gravel? Really? Come on now. That just seems silly.

politics, feminist

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