Feb 02, 2008 06:40
February 10th 2008 protest/rally
Time 11:00 am
Title Flyer Handout & Demonstration @ Church of Scientology
Portland, Oregon
Location 709 SW Salmon St (downtown)
Speaker Various
Topic / Issue Civil Rights
Sponsor PDX Public Awareness Team, Project Chanology
In light of recent and previous attempts by the Church of Scientology to suppress negative media, we're using this opportunity to increase public awareness about the church's activities.
Many reports exist of Scientology being linked to use of heavy-handed tactics (including legal, physical, and psychological harassment) to discourage or prevent open and transparent studies by the media, academia and government of this organization's beliefs and practices.
While we believe that individuals have an immutable right to spirituality, we also believe that individuals have to right to engage in peaceful, open discussion about belief systems without fear of retribution.
Love always,