Asian Singer needed for band!

Feb 19, 2007 11:53

THE SLANTS are looking for an energtic frontman for their blend of rock n' roll and darker, dance music (think The Faint, Joy Division, Gang of Four, Daft Punk, Depech Mode, meets Kill Bill).
This is an asian themed band (based on the traid/yakuza) so we're looking for an asian. Not being racist or anything, it's just kind of like how all-girl bands only want girls or how the director of Memoirs of Geisha wanted asians to play the asian roles in the film...

We have major label interest, artist representation, various endorsements, and rehearse twice a week. We're looking to play 3-5 shows a month in the Northwest and do 1 or 2 week-long tours a year. If this is something that sounds like you'd be interested in, let us know.

Go to to hear some of the demo versions of our songs in the works.

(x-posted to pdx_musicians)

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