Tomorrow is the BIG day! I think I am gonna go to the first showing at 10am. Talk about an EARLY show! LOL. Many thanks to the lovely, talented and giving
darkesa for some FAR OUT icons. Thanks BABE! I am going to have to take a little towel with me to the theatre coz whenever Wolverine takes off his shirt I will be DROOLING! (dio mio.. kuando la baba se me me kai!)
Oh ...gotta run to POST office again... sold something on ebay. Thank GOD for that place... if was not for them I would have NO PASTA! (money)... it's a blessing and a curse... coz I am parting with some dear things... CD's , posters, books... Porno-videos... LOL... no just kidding! ;o)
I just sold a fabulous tori poster... rare from '94 ...*winter cd single cover shot... now I just sold my deadcandance tour-book... oh well.. as they say in GAY paris... c'est la vie!
bear hugs and smooches to
darkesa and
g_pan Can you find *my Wolverine?!