Don't mess with a Dixie chick....

Apr 25, 2003 07:38

Ok... this is so sickening. It makes me very angry to see how these gurls have been treated. She was rite on with what she said in GB. I am a G-DUBYA hater... yes I HATE the president. His is ugly and ignorant just like his parents... especially his momma...who looks like the quaker oats man on speed)

It makes me feel embarrassed to live in a country that shoves its view points down the throats of the whole planet...but are the biggest hypocrites when comes to practicing what they preach.
ALL those reactionary son's of bitches are talking about what is american and what is not american.... well I think it is un-american to loose your life, your ability to make a living and be black-listed for your political view-points ... it makes no sense... Earth Kit once said * my country tis of thee... sweet land of bigotry...* Somebody needs to ask that lady about being black-listed.....BY THE GOVERNMENT.....that takes the CAKE!
I love you (america) but we need to grow up, get over it and go to family therapy soon.

It reminds me on how my *hero michael moore ( was treated at the oscars...
here is what one my favorite movie directors who won an oscor for his him *talk to her said:

Best documentary-winner Michael Moore rebuked the US president with: "Shame on you, Mr. Bush, shame on you."

Mr Almodovar said: "When I heard the whistling, and the boos, it seemed like an enormous shame and it shows the condition that country is in.

"His speech lasted quite a long time but they kept trying to cut it and playing music. It was horrific."

He said that many people had wanted to talk about Iraq, but stopped themselves for fear of reprisals, adding that many actors had privately congratulated him on his own speech.

"We foreigners do not have so much to lose perhaps," he said, singling out for special praise Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon for "gambling her career" by opposing the war.

These are fucked up times we live in my friends.
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