I have spent pretty much the whole evening knitting, & am plumb knitted out. The pretty soft purple lace scarf is progressing well, but soo slowly, despite being worked on pretty much every evening. And invariably, at least once a night I have to tink back a row! It's those wretched yarn-overs - I either miss one or I do one too many! I had no idea it could take so long to make a lacy scarf. No pics until the scarf & its companion are finished & given to my friends.
The darker one in the bulky novelty yarn goes faster than the lace as it's in a two stitch rib, but it's a pain to knit with, especially with the 10mm straights it takes. I will never ever knit another novelty yarn ever again! The lovely silky cord that changes colour from copper through to purple is quite well behaved & could be alright by itself ; it's the purple fuzz surrounding it that's the real pain. It catches on the points of the needles & snags, slowing down almost every stitch. Plus, I'm not that thrilled with the way it looks knitted up. But it's thick & warm & colourful! Again no pics for obvious reasons.
I had a call yesterday from the just about to be mother for whose baby I knitted the
tutti fruity hat. She & her partner were thrilled with the "strawberry", & touched that I had knitted it and the socks/mittens for them. I have been promised a photo as soon as the the baby fits the hat.
Because I'm pushing to finish the scarves, the hats for the girls have gone on hold. I only hope I can get them done in time for then to wear for some of the cold weather. Thank goodness winter in Melbourne lasts longer than here in Sydney, though we've been having our share of
wintry weather. My novella shawl has been in use every night this week as an extra layer over my neck and shoulders.
I was to have gone up the mountain this coming weekend to enjoy the winter festival at Katoomba, complete with a Poetry Slam & a parade (if the weather wasn't too dreadful). But, alas, that's not to be. One of my editors threw a curly one at me today - a complex legal story to chase up & the participants and commentators to chase down, all within the deadline of Monday, As I have 3 other stories to finish for the same deadline, for 2 different magazines, it looks like the weekend will see me chained to my desk.
If I can get it all done by Saturday evening, I might be able to do a bit more of my own writing on Sunday - I have a character who needs to bare his emotions to me, & another who wants to put in an apology! I love it when a character reveals a bit more of themself to me - things I didn't know about them until they tell me. It deepens and enrichens as well as embiggens the story. Occasionally, it also helps move the story along a bit. This particular short story is rather like the lace scarf - no matter how much work I put into it, it seems like it's never finished - & I have to keep tinking back to add extra!