
Mar 22, 2009 16:40

I went for an early morning walk today, intending to walk down to and around Sydney Park, an old industrial site complete with brick kilns, which has been remediated and turned into parkland and wetlands. It has had even more work done on it since I was last there 2 years ago, including, so the council tells us, public toilets! (No more going behind the bushes.) But I didn't get there, although I got as far as the penultimate traffic light before the park.

The problem was, as usual, street art. I had to pass the Fiji Indian Market, which used to have some snazzy art on its side wall, opposite the Old Man of the Sea mural. The Swan Girl, Helmet Head and Ganesh had all gone, replaced with a new and more Bollywood Ganesh, and a long line of dancing letters surrounded by flames. (I'm sure there's a graf term for this, but I don't know it.) There was also more new art work further along the lane. I was glad I'd remembered to take the camera. Then, one old & decrepit building just before the park, had been repainted in very tasteful shades of pink to highlight its Edwardian style, so that had to be recorded too. By then, I'd lost interest in trees & grass & waterbirds, & headed up side streets & laneways instead.

It seems, in these first few weeks back, that I'm revisiting my old haunts and cataloging the changes - particularly the art works. Most of my favourites are still there, but it's good that I have photos of them as they do get replaced by others. (No time to put the new pics up yet, but soon.)

After a late breakfast, I procrastinated far more than I should, finishing a library book before putting up hooks for all my pictures, instead of working on the heavy and daunting peak phosphorus article, deadline tomorrow. I did work on some of the definitely more enjoyable holistic vets (part 2) article, as I waited for the hooks to adhere to the walls. There are still some pictures that can't be hung yet - especially Idlewild's 2 non angli paintings - but I have enough room in my hallway to get them up once framed (hooray!). There is also a semi-abstract photo of mine I need to frame for the office.

Now I'm whacked - it was an early start - so there's no way I can tackle peak phosphorus tonight. Let's hope the brain's clear in the morning!

street art, newtown

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