campbell and young, black and white, Martinez GA, 2006
womb, black and white, Martinez GA, 2006
unidentified, black and white, Evans GA, 2006
tall, black and white, Evans GA, 2006
staircase, black and white, Evans GA, 2006
silhouette, black and white, Evans GA, 2006
no swimming, black and white, Evans GA, 2006
rooted, black and white, Evans GA, 2006
do you dare?, black and white, Evans GA, 2006
chime, black and white, Evans GA, 2006
namesake, black and white, Martinez GA, 2006
set in stone, black and white, Evans GA, 2006
Ruthie, black and white, Evans GA, 2006
today I listened to the Last of the Mohecans soundtrack. I get lost in that music ... I drove for thirty minutes without realizing it.
sometimes, like today, with the music pulsating, the wind blowing, the scent of rain in the air, I find a place inside of me, deep down inside, where there is more to life than these motions that we go through.
and I feel ...
awakened. as if I've been in a coma for years. all my senses become acute ... everything is sharper and everything is so much more real.
I can taste life, then. and I am going wild inside.