I'm getting better...

Aug 17, 2006 00:16

In my last entry I was going to tell you all about the great time I had last night with mom (
sposter) seeing  Spamalot at the Canon theater and the nice dinner we had with
marahsk, but the whole "yay me!" entry just went on too long...

SOOOO.. in an effort to be terse, here is my account of the evening in short form:

Met Marah.  Got Diet Cherry Coke (Thanks,
avt_tor, love you much!!).  Gave her some Saltfish and Ackee that I made for 
mvt (who wasn't feeling well) and a water-power weeder for Andre to tackle the weeds in their backyard.  Went to the restaurant (City Grill in the Eaton Centre).  Waited for mom.  Talked about Marah's foot (healing nicely).  Mom shows up, we go in, eat food, talk about everything from religion to tall skinny cute guys to 
sexybass to music etc. etc..

Amusing anecdote:  On the subject of terrorism/security measures at the airport, Marah mentions that Alex doesn't fit the 'terrorist' profile: he's a chubby white guy with glasses and doesn't appear threatening.  Mom points out that he could potentially be more dangerous than any terrorist, but security can't see his "big, throbbing brain".  Marah says "Well, he does wear a hat..." Me: ROFLMAO.  Alright, you caught me again, I didn't actually ROF.  But I did LMAO.

Back to the tale:  Server brings the bill, it has an extra $20 worth of stuff we didn't order on it!  Mom wonders if it's deliberate?  They know we're in a hurry to get to the show (starts in less than 15 minutes!) and may not check the bill as closely?  Or not want to wait for our server? Whatever, Marah offers to wait for the waitress (is that ironic?) and give her hell point out the errors if we have to run.  Waitress comes back, apologizes profusely, fixes bill.  We go.  Run across the road, join the line going in the theatre, have a quick pee and find our seats in record time.  I watch the show, quote many lines of dialog (hopefully inaudibly, so as to not annoy neighboring audience members!), sing many of the songs (ditto), laugh and laugh and listen to somebody else laughing REALLY loud, realize it's Mom, laugh some more.  Intermission: Mom talks about 
sexybass.  I tell her she's like a teenager all giddy-like.  Act 2, funny, lovely, laugh when they get some poor kid from the audience up on stage and embarrass the heck out of him, he looks like a deer in the headlights.  Oh, no, it's over already?  Save some tissue-paper petals that fall on my head from the finale.  Wait for the audience exeunt crush to ease, look at all the merchandise available (mmm, a t-shirt that says "I'm not dead yet..."; another one that says "Fetchez Vache"; a button that says "I fart in your general direction"; a Black Knight doll whose arms and legs detatch...).  Get out of the building, say bye to mom, get in my car and drive past mom's new condo.  2 pit stops for coffee and peeing later, I eventually make it back to Cambridge safe and sound.   Yay!

Now aren't you glad this was the short version??
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