Prompt Post Round 1

Apr 27, 2011 02:38

Prompts go here! This will be closed and a new post made at 3000 comments. Please link all fills to the Round 1 Fill Post.

This post is closed to new prompts! Post prompts at Round 2! Fills and comments can still be posted here.

prompts, round 1, prompt post

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The Puppy [3/?] anonymous May 14 2011, 05:40:50 UTC
A/N: Had to split it up, it was too long. Writer!Anon would be thrilled to put headcrab somewhere in the story.

"I can't believe it!" ATLAS shouted as they entered the room. "She's actually letting us get a puppy! Nice groveling there."

"I was not groveling!" P-Body retorted. "I was...asking nicely. Now...we must order the puppy!" She jumped joyously into the desk chair and spun it around a few time. The excitement was giving her a strange adrenaline. She felt like she could climb up the wall. She even considered the attempt to climb up the wall.

"Order?" ATLAS asked, highly confused. "What-how does that work out?"

"Well," his sort of sibling began. "First, we find the best sort of dog to have around. Then, we find a website that sells high quality bred dogs. You know, like, a full breed. A mutt is too risky. After we find the perfect dog, we pay for it and it is shipped in a cute carrier to the lab. Most websites ship their dogs and stuff. It's easier that way since, you know, we can't go outside...entirely. Yeah, see, while you were playing with some silly toys, I was looking into all of this. We just need to dip into the, uh...fake money that Aperture still has."

"It's not toys! It's science! Mo- I mean GLaDOS said so! You're just jealous because I'm the smart and sciency one, and all you can do is read and write really well!"

P-Body huffed and punched ATLAS lightly on the arm. They got into a little scuffle which led to them attempting to pull each others heads off, realizing they can't do that anymore.

"Ugh, let's just find what we want," P-Body said heavily. They stood in front the computer for hours, searching and debating until they finally had an eight week old, jet black miniature schnauzer paid for and ready to arrive at the science center in three days.


Re: The Puppy [3/?] anonymous May 14 2011, 08:49:53 UTC
D'awwww mini schnauzer. :D

Use all the characters you want, anon! and hey if you can figure out a way to make the headcrab work be my guest.


The Puppy [4/?] anonymous May 16 2011, 18:58:47 UTC
The next three days were the longest the duo had ever experienced. Which was saying something since they usually had no sense of time in the science center. They tried to occupy their time by setting up a room and play area for the dog. Since they weren't allowed to go outside often, they made a paper room for the dog to do its business.

On the second day, ATLAS was running down the hall to get away from his sister. They had gotten into a squabble, one thing led to another, and now P-Body was out to get him. ATLAS turned a sharp corner and hit something hard, falling backwards this time. "Oh, shi-"

"Hi. Hi. Sorry. Hi." said a blonde, tousle haired young fella. The fella helped ATLAS up a little more quickly than normal.

"Ah, no, sorry. That was my fault," ATLAS said, looking back nervously. It felt like his sister would jump out at any second and shank him.

"What. What what what. What are you doing? Going somewhere? Where are you going? Are you going to space? Space!? Space." The fella twitched nervously and smiled at the thought of space.

"Space," ATLAS replied.


"Space dog."

"Space dog!" the fella ran away hurriedly down the hall. ATLAS seemed to be the only one who knew how to communicate with the former Space Core.

There was a faint scream and a loud curse from down the hall; ATLAS took this as his cue to get the hell out of there. He sprinted to a restricted area and flung himself into an empty room.


"Grr. Where did that boy go?" P-Body wondered as she rubbed her head. The weird space guy had bumped into her and ran off screaming something about a space dog, throwing her off ATLAS's track. She walked around for a bit until she heard...

Oh, no.

"Well, hey there, little lady. You lookin' fer somethin'? Anything ol' Rick can help ya with?" A tall and handsome looking man approached P-Body quite casually. His black hair made his bright green eyes stick out heavily.

"Uh, no thanks, Rick...I'm just looking for my brother. I'll see you-"

"What's this I hear about you gettin' a wild animal? You gettin' a giant anaconda or uh...a dangerous black widow or one of them killer bears?" Rick looked way to excited for words, and P-Body didn't really have the heart to tell him it was just a puppy.

"Uh...yeah, something like that," was the only thing she could come up with. "So, I'll be going no-"

"Did I ever tell you about the time I fought an evil AI, bent on destroyin' this place and everythin' in it? Man, it was awesome."

"Yes, Rick, I have to g-" Sadly, Rick was not listening, and P-Body was dragged away to hear a story Rick had told her about fourteen times. The story always seemed to change a little bit each time he told it.


The Puppy [5/?] anonymous May 16 2011, 19:10:37 UTC
A/N: Writer!Anon hates having to split these up D: Oh, God, headcrab, yes.

ATLAS was setting up a toy area for the new dog, relieved that his sister never managed to find him. He was building what looked like an obstacle course made out of panels and wire.

"Ugh! That man!" P-Body shouted as she entered the room. "He just does not shut up! I mean, yeah, I talk a good bit too, but he doesn't even listen! And it's always about the same thing! Adventure this! Adventure that! ADVENTURE! I thought I was gonna explode!"

"Too bad you didn't..." ATLAS mumbled low enough for his sister to not hear him. P-Body mozied over to watch him for a bit and decided to work on the fluffy dog bed.

"Soooo...what are we gonna name the dog? It's a girl so we have to give her a girl name. I was thinking Lucy or Adrian."

"No way! Her name should be Catherine or Mina!"

"What!? Those are stupid!" Fighting ensues. The duo eventually end up with a few scratches and bruises. They sit in silent thought, trying to think of a name they would both agree on. After a moment, it was as if a light-bulb had flickered on in the room.

"We should name her Alyx!" they both cried. It was the perfect name. A dog as great as theirs would have to have the perfect name. They jumped up and down in extreme excitement, making a great amount of noise in the process.


Bang clank clang.

"What. Are. They. DOING!?" GLaDOS slammed her work down with such force that the experiment almost flew off the work table. It lucky landed on the edge, balancing awkwardly until GLaDOS gently moved it away from the edge.

She marched through the corridors until she reached a lift. Having to go through the science center like this was not her cup of tea. It was so much easier to just look into each room, but this was the only way to keep those two from destroying the facility. She could just have them explode and rebuilt, but that was more of a hassle in itself. She rode the lift until it brought her to an upper floor. She made her way hastily to the room were the noise was coming from and burst through the door.

"What did I tell you...ABOUT MAKING NOISE!?" The sibling team could feel the anger radiating off of their creator and stopped jumping at once. They looked at her with frightened and apologetic faces.

"We're just excited, is all..." ATLAS mumbled.

"Well, keep your excitement to a minimum! Or do not be excited at all! I already told you; I am working on a very important experiment, and I do NOT. NEED. DISTRACTIONS!"

"Okay! Yes! We understand!" they shouted, cowering at the angry sight of GLaDOS. The woman stalked out of the room and slammed the door behind her. Looking at each other, the duo had the same thought on their mind. How were they going to keep the noise down when the puppy arrived?


OP anonymous May 17 2011, 04:51:22 UTC
PPPPFFFhaha Space Core and Rick. And Alyx the dog. This is so much fun. :)


The Puppy [6/?] anonymous May 19 2011, 05:30:30 UTC
A/N: I have a feeling this is going to be a long story...

Ding dong.

"AAAAHHHH!!!!" The duo screamed happily at the sound of a doorbell that they didn’t know even existed. They ran hurriedly to the nearest lift and rode it all the way to the very top. It brought them to what looked like an office area. They pretty much tore the place apart until they found a suspicious looking door. Yanking the door open, they got a flash of bright sunlight in their faces. They shielded their good eyes until they were able to adjust to such a setting.

There was no one there. Not a person in site. They glanced at each other sadly and were about to shut the door when they heard a faint whimper.

Sitting right below them was a small dog carrier marked with a shipping and sending address. They both dived to open the carrier door and struggled with one another. After finally getting it open, P-Body gently reached into the carrier and pulled out a eight week old, deep black miniature schnauzer that probably weighed about four pounds.

" tiny," ATLAS breathed, taking in the full image of the strange creature. They did nothing but observe the small thing. The puppy stared at them, too. She lightly sniffed their scents that floated in the air, getting a hint of the other things around them. She soon began to squirm and whimper, unsure about where she was, where her mother was, and who these strange creatures were.

"O-Oh, no! What is she doing!? What's wrong!?" ATLAS asked, startled at the dog's reaction. He stepped back a bit, afraid the puppy was going to attack.

"Aww, she's probably just scared!" P-Body responded. She held the puppy close to her and began to gently pet it, hoping to calm her down. "It's not everyday you're adopted by two former robots and sent to live in an 'abandoned' science facility. You're just frightened, huh, Alyx? Aww, poor baby. She's starting to shake. We should get her inside and into her warm and fluffy bed."

ATLAS grabbed the carrier and followed P-Body into the office area. As he pressed the button for the lift, P-Body noticed that he left the door open.

"Geez, what's wrong with you!? We can't have people wandering in here! It's dangerous!" She sighed and went to close the door. ATLAS got into the lift and was about to leave her, but she was too quick. She just about dived into it before the doors closed, pushing ATLAS harshly in the process.

As the lift descended, ATLAS swore he saw something move in a dark corner of the office area. The office was out of sight before he could get a better look.


The Puppy [7/?] anonymous May 19 2011, 05:33:39 UTC
"You see, I've been researching all sorts of things about dogs," P-Body boasted quite loudly.

"Hey, I'm right here. Don't yell…"

"I'm not yelling!" she shrieked. "That was yelling. Anyway, as I was saying, I've learned all sorts of things. Like how dogs react to certain sounds or noises, what kind of food is best for them to eat-which I ordered, by the way-, and what toys certain dogs like-which I also got. If I am correct, there should be a blanket, toy, and a little bit of food for the dog in the carrier.

ATLAS looked inside and found that his sister was correct. "There's also a note." He reached inside and pulled out the note. "Let's says: 'Thank you for adopting this fine dog. I hope she will be a great addition to your family. I have enclosed a few things for you to start off with and a list of what a dog might need. Please call if you need any help, Gordon.' ...Who the hell is Gordon?"

"The dog breeder. He's one of the best in the area. He's some sort of genius, too, but I wasn't interested in all that. I just wanted the puppy." She smiled happily and moved the puppy so they were staring at each other. The puppy was still frightened but seemed to be relaxing just the slightest at the sign of no danger.

She held the puppy tight and stepped out of the open lift. The duo walked in awed silence, unsure what they were going to do after Alyx was introduced to her new home. The only sound that could be heard was the light step of their feet on the metal floors. Just before they got to Alyx's room, another set of footsteps could be heard up ahead.

"Well, hey there, gorgeous. What do you and your friend have there?"

"Oh, no…" P-Body groaned.


The Puppy [8/?] anonymous May 19 2011, 05:39:16 UTC
"Hey, Rick." ATLAS waved and smiled at his idol. "We just got our new pet. You wanna see?" P-Body tried to motion for ATLAS to be quiet without Rick noticing, but ATLAS didn't seem to notice himself.

"Your new pet, huh? Well, let ol' Rick have a gander. Don't worry. I know a lot about dangerous animals, so there's no reason to hide the little devil." Rick walked up to P-Body who was shielding Alyx with her arms. Having no choice, she lifted the puppy up so Rick could see.

"You can look at Alyx, but you can't hold her! She's too small to be manhandled!" P-Body looked away, uncomfortable with the man being so close to her and her new pet.

Rick looked at the puppy with a blank expression. ATLAS couldn't tell if the guy was confused or thoughtful.

"Well, uh.." Rick began. "You, uh...sure do have yourself a little devil there. Yes! A real huntin' dog! Her nose will do just fine when sniffin' out anything! I tell ya, I was expecting something a little different, but whatever pleases a fine lady such as yourself is just fine with me." He waggled his eyebrows at P-Body who could only stare in horror and embarrassment.

"Hey, did I ever tell you the time I went on a dangerous space adventure to save two AIs? Man, it was crazy! So, there I was, trying to figure out the cure to the common cold-I do a bit of science on the side, ya see- and GLaDOS calls me, soundin' distressed. Me being the man I am could never leave a lady in distress. So I jump up and say-"

"'Quick! What's the situation!?'" P-Body mimicked. She sighed and began to walk to Alyx's room.

"Hey, how didya know I was gonna say that!?" Rick ran after her and sounded quite shocked. "Have I told ya this before…?"

"Of, course not, Rick. I guess...I just know you that well." She didn't have the heart to tell him she's heard the story six times already.

"Oh. Well, anyway, GLaDOS goes on to tell me a young lady was in need of somethin' that was floatin' around in space. Now, there was no way I was gonna leave two ladies in distress. So I…"

ATLAS only stared and listened in complete awe and wonder. Alyx stuck close to P-Body's chest and sniffed the air cautiously.


OP anonymous May 19 2011, 23:22:43 UTC
Haha Gordon the dog breeder. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR

Anyhow, thanks for another fun round of co-oppin' puppy-gettin' goodness! So I guess Wheatley managed to get out of space, huh? :d


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