(no subject)

Aug 01, 2007 15:04

To compensate for the recent LJ outage, paid members can claim three days of paid time here. (Unfortunately, this doesn't include the userpics addon. It's a very welcome gesture all the same, given the outage wasn't due to any fault of 6A)

dronon found a fighting game with a bit of a difference.. not so much fighting, really, as catfighting. In Rose & Camellia, battles are conducted by means of face-slapping..

You've probably seen those Japanese cat costumes - here's the logical outcome: one based on Hello Kitty.

And razzlfraz found (purely accidentally, of course) a curiously fascinating look at Adult Treasure Expo 2007, a Tokyo sex toys convention. Technology naturally plays a prominent role, but so does a passionate eye for aesthetics, sometimes resulting in quite mysterious devices, and some less mysterious. ^_^

Very good CG animated short for a music video: I Lived on the Moon, in a style reminiscent of Tim Burton.

At ComicCon this year, Lea Hernandez related the spectacularly clueless line "In explaining the [Bratz movie], [Avi Arad] insisted that Bratz are 'X-Men for girls' - it's just that their superpowers are singing, fashion, soccer and cheerleading." - and from that, the question "Golly, I wonder which one is Wolverine?" sprang forth. So here's Wolviebratz. =:D
The first new Futurama DVD arrives on Nov 28 2007. ^_^

A good posting on the tepid support the Democratic presidential candidates are offering for gay marriage.

An electric car worth a look: the Think City.

atomicat spotted this superb riff on American anti-drug TV commercials, and includes a helpful guide.

Lunch: a relatively light and very simple affair. Just some grilled chicken nuggets, a small pile of collard greens, and some quartered mushrooms, steamed in the microwave with a little garlic salt. (And the messy splurts: ranch dressing, tomato ketchup, and balsamic mustard with chili oil)

Engadget readers note that FairUse4WM strips iPlayer downloads' DRM. Of course, you still need a Windows system to get the files in the first place. Annoyingly, iPlayer appears to be another P2P app, so if you're already using your outbound bandwidth, that'll be competing for it.

OpenLeft seems to be establishing itself as a good venue for serious leftward political discussion - take this entry, on some possible future geopolitical scenarios, or this one on the varied voices pushing for and against the impeachment and trial of Bush and Cheney. The comments are particularly well considered, whether one agrees with their suppositions or not.

Meanwhile, in Alaska, the FBI and IRS investigation into Ted "Tubes" Stevens took a brilliantly ironic twist: "Republican Sen. Ted Stevens, whose home back in Alaska was raided by federal investigators Monday in a wide-ranging corruption investigation, has threatened to place a hold on the Democratic-drafted ethics legislation just passed by the House and expected on the Senate floor by week's end."

And it looks like my notifications have gone missing again. Please feed them if you see them around. (Curiously, it all seems to be working normally for replies in others' journals, but not mine)

wolviebratz, gay marriage, cg shorts, impeachment, adult treasure expo 2007, ted stevens, lj downtime, iplayer, bratz, 365 main, flash games, x-men, think city, six apart, tim burton, lea hernandez, i lived on the moon, music videos, electric cars, fairuse4wm, empires, openleft, drm, tokyo, sex toys, lj compensation, geopolitics, hello kitty, rose and camellia, corruption, cat costumes

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