Sep 28, 2004 18:20
so yesterday morning i was sitting around the apartment after class on my computer(about 11:30 am), when i got a punding knock at the door. by the time i got up to answer the door they already had a key in the door and were opening it. i said, "hi". the guy was like were here for safety inspections. i thought they were last week so we had already put back out our candles. But the two guys at the door trotted in. the one pointed to the other and said "hes the fire marshall". the fire marshall then proceded to tell me that we were "the lucky ones". then he saw the candles on our table and said well maybe not lucky but the chosen ones. he continued and peeked out every outlet in out apartment. found something else and then left. today we got a note saying inspections start today. then why did they suprise visit us yesterday. what jerks. on the note it says disiplinary actions will be taken. so were waiting to find out what will actually happen.