Books I *want* with a *want* ...

Aug 11, 2009 10:11

These are books that aren't written, haven't been written, and I'm not sure will ever be written. Anyone with updates on these books or authors that can clue me in, I'd looooove to hear it.

1. Doris Egan/Jane Emerson - City of Pearl, City of Opal
Doris Egan/Jane Emerson - the next 3 Ivory books

2. Kate Elliot - the next Jaran novel

3. Wen Spencer - the next novel, period

4. Rosemary Kirsten - the next Steerswoman novel

5. Kate Brailler/Anne Groell - the next novel, period

6. Melanie Rawn - the last of the Lenfell triology

What books do you WANT with a WANT for which all other wants become pale shadows?
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