I once calculated how long it would take me to lose enough weight to fit into my kid brother's clothing just to avoid doing laundry. He has an entire wardrobe of 33 inch pants...if I could just hold off for another few weeks, I wouldn't have to do laundry for a month!
Once things get gross, they only get grosser. Kipple, as PKD would call it, has an event horizon and once you reach it, there's no hope. I can keep things clean for a while, but once they git dirty...well, it's all downhill from there.
Last week I drank seven cups of coffee and cleaned my room from top to bottom. It doesn't seem like it should be a big deal, but after doing that, it seems like everything in my life got a little lighter.
Obviously, my advice is to write things. Take a notebook everywhere. Writing on the computer is...different. It usually comes out better, sure, but it doesn't give the same satisfaction and sense of release. Almost everything I write is first written in a spiral-bound notebook, then revised in the process of being typed up. The bonus of notebooks is that you can write on buses, in traffic, in fast food restaurants, in secret ninja dens, in alternate universes, in movie theaters, in state aquariums...wherever you want.
I think everyone should write all the time. Of course, I'm a bit biased on that front.
Tonight after dinner with my friend David, I'm going home and attacking the bed-station. It truly needs a going over, not having to shove piles of books out of the way to go to sleep will be nice. Having clothes to choose from to match the weather will be extra-nice, as the rain has come back again, and the city is slithering in a thick heap of cold rain and warm humidity that defeats layers and freezes t-shirts.
AH sigh. I do carry books with me. one for reading and one for writing at all times. It's just that I've found that typing works so much better. I'm realizing that I actually do need to set aside Time At My Own Computer every couple of days, to process pictures and all the links piling up. I'm glad you write. It makes me happy.
Once things get gross, they only get grosser. Kipple, as PKD would call it, has an event horizon and once you reach it, there's no hope. I can keep things clean for a while, but once they git dirty...well, it's all downhill from there.
Last week I drank seven cups of coffee and cleaned my room from top to bottom. It doesn't seem like it should be a big deal, but after doing that, it seems like everything in my life got a little lighter.
Obviously, my advice is to write things. Take a notebook everywhere. Writing on the computer is...different. It usually comes out better, sure, but it doesn't give the same satisfaction and sense of release. Almost everything I write is first written in a spiral-bound notebook, then revised in the process of being typed up. The bonus of notebooks is that you can write on buses, in traffic, in fast food restaurants, in secret ninja dens, in alternate universes, in movie theaters, in state aquariums...wherever you want.
I think everyone should write all the time. Of course, I'm a bit biased on that front.
AH sigh. I do carry books with me. one for reading and one for writing at all times. It's just that I've found that typing works so much better. I'm realizing that I actually do need to set aside Time At My Own Computer every couple of days, to process pictures and all the links piling up. I'm glad you write. It makes me happy.
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