(no subject)

Jun 06, 2005 01:15

Hello lovely people.

I have returned from my self-imposed fandom exile, because I missed all the people on my Flist *Mwah*

Have we ALL given up posting on SCUSA?

I think I may be tempted to return there soon. I still like the whole fandom malarkey, and lots of the discussions and the ship paraphernalia still amuse me, but of late my own answers were boring the pants off me - I was just repeating myself all the time.

I suppose it's inevitable that after a while you are going to run out of new and exciting interpretations of how "X & Y might go about cleaning their toilet", or whatever, based on a few pages of canon featuring either character.

But meh. New Canon to overanalyze and twist to a Shipper's own needs coming soon. :D

In the meantime, I have a meme that some people might appreciate:

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