Mar 07, 2005 20:45
i guess im not done wrightin in it..
my aunt caseys the bomb..we just had the longest covo bout soy and vegetarianism n all that gay stuff cuz um were cool.. and uh turns out soy isnt so good for you and it doesnt let u absorb vit. D and some other good stuff like that :/ uh oh.. but um yah she made up this "rap/hip hop" song about
i love hank
<3 daniella
do the peta!
woop woop
were vegetarians
woop woop
dont kill animals in factories u dirrty bas-tards
dont keep animals in factories u dirrty bas-turds
peta peta woop woop
go there now
check it out now
and save a cow
(slowly fading)
..woop woop
go vegetarian
woop woop