(no subject)

Oct 14, 2004 17:22

ok well basiclly im totally jocking some one but like my friends mean sooo much to me and i just want to tell them so.....

erica bell-ok girly your always there for me throguh everything.... you alwaus put up wiht my shit and u are truly one of my best friends! i love you so much and would do anything for u!.. you always have my back even if im in the worng. i can always count on you! always

nina sedighi-i love you nina ... you have been my best friend since 4th grade and to this day you have always kept my head on stright. you always told me what i was doign was wrong and you always watched out for me even if you wernt always there! i love you for that. your a btich at times but thats one of the mean reasons i love your ass so0o0o much!

allison martin-hey alli.... well you are the greatest. your always there for me when im having major issues. i know i can trust you and your trust means the world to me. we have been friends for so long i cant amagine life wiht out u!!

alyssa deline-wow i love u girl sooo much! you live in a different state and your still on of my best friends i love you so much! and never change! your have the best heart! i love u

lo-i LOVEEEEEE you so much! even tho we have been only friends for a short while i know i can count on you and trust you with my deepest secrets! i love u

kendra-even tho we had some hard times.... i still know your there for me and i love your for that! thanks for always bein there! your the best!!! i love u!

kayla-i love your concited cheer leading ass sooooo much! your one of my best friends and i thank god that your in my life every day! you make me think clealy! and u always tell me the truth! i love girl and i know we'll be frinds for life!

Roxy-i love you girl! and i love new york! lol hahhah your the best and you always have my back! thanks for always being there for me i love u!

david - your always there for me even when you dont want to be! i love you so much! and i know that your my best firends and your intentions are always good. thank you for being there for me when everything went wrong! thank you for making me see things clearly even if it pissed me off! i love you! and you will always be one of best friend!

cameron- my love for u goes way deep down insaide. im sitting here wiritting this knowing that you will never read it but i love you so much and with out you i wouldnt be where i am today! you made me want to be a better person and because of you i became one! i love you with all of my heart and you are and forever will be no matter how far apart we are my best friend! and i know with out a doubt you will be looking out for me no matter what state your in! i love u and always will. dont change! your perfect the way u are!

well i hope all my other firends that i didnt mention realize that i love them too! and im sorry there not on here im just got sick of writting lol

<3 kel
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