(no subject)

Jun 17, 2005 22:26

Three cheers for Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin. Finally... someone in the government has the balls to call what's happening what it really is. The only difference between what's happening at Guantanimo Bay and what happened in soviet gulags and nazi camps, is how history will reflect us. The current administration and conservative's point of view that comparisons like these are outragious is ludicrious. I'm certain that Stalin and Hitler both believed that those imprisoned in their respective camps were dangerous enemy combatants, and only history will be able to judge our actions today. It is times like these that, while I am proud that I'm american, I can't help but feel a sort of shame, that we're supposed to be a beacon of light, a model for emerging democracies, and when we use tactics in times of "war" that are more suited for totalitarian regimes, it validates the strangle-hold that these dictators have on their countries.

That is the end of my political rant for a while o_o;
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