On Tuesday Joe Biden laid out a simple challenge to John McCain: to name just one difference between himself and President Bush on the economy.
Joe Biden:
"Folks, in the most recent debate, John McCain felt the need to declare that he was not President Bush. You know that old expression. You ever heard it? He doth protest too much... Folks, over the course of the three debates, 20 months into the campaign, and eight years of failed economic policies, there's not one fundamental economic issue on which John McCain has challenged George Bush or his policies."
Well all morning McCain surrogates have done their darndest to convince us that McCain is nothing like that George Bush character, whoever he is. Appearing on ABC's This Week, for example, Senator Lindsey Graham said "John McCain is truly an independent, stood up to his own party." But not too long ago Graham was singing a different tune, and it earned him a starring role a DNC web ad put out moments ago looking at how the McCain campaign has addressed this most pivotal question over the months:
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