In a close vote, KKK members support John McCain

Oct 22, 2008 21:20

Oh, really? "Close vote," eh?

Seems like only yesterday when John McCain was bragging over the dubious claim that Hamas was supporting Barack Obama. Now comes video proof that the KKK is supporting McCain.

It would have been great to watch the balloting on this one at the KKK headquarters: "By a show of hands, all those who want Barack Obama, a half black man, to be president, raise your hand."

I don't see how anybody with half a reasoning brain in their head and half a heart would even consider voting with the KKK. It mystifies me! But visit this site to see a video! I find it amusing that he says, "Well, we weren't sure if we should endorse McCain or not, seeing as our endorsement could end up hurting him -- but it's pretty obvious that Obama, a black man, would run counter to everything the KKK believes in."


endorsements, mccain, dumb americans, racists, kkk

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