A Little Street Drama

Mar 19, 2007 03:18

Ah, it's currently misting outside on this on-again-off-again gray-ass day; with a smattering of snow here and there to make things a little bit more interesting. I'm seated at a little table taking a break from putting some of my new music into my new iPod -- one of those sleek-ass black numbers that also play videos! Awesome! So far, I got Primal Scream's "XTRMNTR", "CREAM - ROCK THE DISCOTHEQUE," Echo & the Bunnymen's "Ballyhoo," and a kickass 3CD set of 80's poptunes remixed.

Today I'm heading down the Les Halles district to visit some of the sex shops and check out the latest news and happenings at the Centre Georges Pompidou. Goddamn, I love that museum. Down on the street below whilst I was smoking a cigarette with my pop I saw a young woman with long blonde hair sitting on her bicycle at the red light when up from behind her a young man with a red helmet on a dirtbike. He was going pretty fast and he hit the brake a little late, from what I could surmise. His rear tire skidded on the semi-damp pavement and he almost hit her rear tire. He revved his engine quite loudly, his front tire touching her rear one. The woman wasn't terribly impressed. She turned around and gave him a withering look. Then this jackass proceeds to terrorise her, revving his engine louder and louder and longer, backing up a tiny bit and then moving slightly forward so as to bump her tire -- on purpose. What an asshole. She turned around again and this time shouted at him ... unfortuneatley I didn't understand what she was saying. I would imagine that it had something to do with his manhood. A little more revving and bumping followed and then the girl made as if to get off her bike. Go do it, girl. Push that guy off his bike. I could tell she was tempted, but she didn't. She just ignored his immature shenanigans and when the light turned green, she moved on. The punk revved really loud one more time and raced by her, missing her by scant inches. She gave him the finger and peddled on. I flipped him off, too.

I'm heading to some Vietnamese restaurant to meet with my Irish friend Gerard -- he said on the telephone, "I've got some girls lined up for you." Sounds interesting! With Gerard you never really know what the hell that's going to mean. Well, I have to leap into my little whore bath and bathe myself. Take care kids!
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