Dec 19, 2004 02:41
I had a very high-profile party tonight. VIPs only. It was so select and so elite, only i was good enough to come to the party. So i had a mood-lighting scantly-clad sexy-rave by myself.
Actually. It was pretty fun. I thought about taking pictures, but considering what i was wearing, i thought it might be able to be construed as child pornography. Many of my male friends who were online at the time were deeply disappointed.
Evidently, my online presence radiantes sexiness. All the people who know me in real live laugh at this comment. Because i am a an ugly little kid who trips over herself all the time.
On another note, last night was way much fun. Even though i was still the first person to fall asleep, because i can't stay awake when other people around for some odd strange reason. I bet i end up falling asleep during sex. You know, once i can actually start having sex in beds, instead of all the other creepy odd places teenagers are forced to have sex in.
Wait, scratch all that. Once i start having sex period.
But the limo ride and dinner at hard rock cafe with everyone was way cool. including the coaster beanie hats that laure and catherine got for celebrating their first "eighteenth birthday". I'm disappointed i didn't get to see all of Nightmare Before Christmas though, since i've never seen it straight through. *sigh*
AND there was no Chundo time. Which was sad as well. Honestly, what kind of party is it if we all don't stay up until three and then watch William Wegman videos?! With a couple of drinks, those videos would be even more hillarious than they already are.
Okay, enough strange comments about my life. Back to reading Hot Gimmick and staying up late again. I'll have time to sleep once i'm forced into bed at nine every night "to set a good example" for the little kids at my grandmothers. Oh god, i don't think i'll make it! Where is Christopher when i need him?!
Blah life, man.