(no subject)

Oct 16, 2007 06:42

So. As a joke, on my second last shift, I bought myself a good bye cake.

Turns out.. That was it for the send off.

There's nothing like working your ass off for a company for over a year and they can't be bothered to ... Send out an email saying I'm leaving, like they do with the techs and doctors... Send around a card for people to sign, like they do for the techs and doctors... have a little send off... bring in some goodies...

And yet, us poor little assistants have a poor attitude about our job? And we're more than just "glorified dog walkers?"
Shove it. Start treating them like they are part of the company. OVER A YEAR.

Thanks guys.

I don't care about me anymore.. What about the next person? Learn from it and going forward, maybe treat them like they are actually a part of the team...

This is Dani, the Rockstar Assistant, signing out.

(And in case you are wondering, I was absolutely DEVESTATED by this. And I was expecting it.. And I still felt this hurt.)

I'm going to use the C word.

Certain people in management... Like the people who deal with hiring and people leaving.. Are fucking CUNTS. I don't care if you have something against me.. Get over yourself and act like a fucking human and RESPECTFUL SUPERIOR and do your fucking job.
Send out the email saying someone is leaving. You do it with every other fucking person.. but wait.. Is it because I'm not a tech? Or a doctor? Or a receptionist? Go fuck yourself.
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