New challenge!
All members and watchers should make certain to check out
the first challenge for 2008: Magical Devices and Items! Stories and art are due by midnight February 10, and the challenge is open to all--members and watchers. See the post for details.
Posting of holiday fest work
Members, please feel free to post all of your holiday fest fics and art here as long as they are R or NC-17 and the word count for fics is 10,000 words or less.
I'm still trying to finish up the primary invitation process for posting access members. We're getting closer to the end...we've now hit the S's. :) Please, if you are a member with posting access, check this list and accept or decline your invitation as soon as you possibly can. If you recognize a name on this list, please point them this way so that they can accept or decline...the faster the list empties out the faster I can get people invited into the community. Invites should be accepted
here. More information may be found
in this post. As always, please remember that members/watchers without posting access may friend the IJ community
here or keep track of the community via RSS feed on LJ by friending the syndication
here. Invites: __hibiscus through sokka