Crack: The Angry Cock of Doom, NC-17

May 06, 2007 22:14

Author: eeyore9990
Title: The Angry Cock of Doom
Rating: NC-17 to be safe, Aussie safe
Warnings: Crack. Also, the teeny-tiniest bit of smut, drunken!Snape, and talking!cock.
Summary: Harry has been subject to a curse that seems to have a very localized effect. His cock not only has a mind of its own, but it likes to talk to him, as well.
Word Count: 3826
Disclaimer: Hahahaha, yeah, right.
A/N: Again, as always, thanks to the SNARFS for all the help. This was OH SO INSPIRED by THIS ICON of rakina's. I started it about 14 months ago *head desk*, but I finally got the urge to finish it, so. It's done!

The Angry Cock of Doom
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