Ficlet: Private Party

Jan 09, 2007 17:00

Title: Private Party

Author: unbroken_halo

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Company belong to JK Rowling. No money was made writting this bit of fiction


Rating: G

Summary: Severus celebrates his birthday.

Warnings: none

Private Party

Severus lay awake, contemplating the day. It wasn't that he didn't want to celebrate his birthday. He just didn't want it done publicly. Carefully, he climbed out of bed and made his way to the kitchens.

Scowling at the house elves, he sat at one of the tables and watched the clock. At ten minutes to midnight, a small cake appeared with one lone candle on it. He watched the flame flicker for a moment then carefully blew out the candle.

"Happy Birthday to me." He murmured quietly and pulled the candle out of the cake, sucking the frosting from the wax carefully.

Meticulously, he cut the frosting from the cake and set it to the side, saving the sweet treat to eat all by itself. He picked up the cake with his fingers and bit into the soft, white, spongy cake, humming slightly as he ate all of the cake first. A frosty glass of milk was slid across the table and Severus reached out to grab it as if knowing it would be there.

He swallowed down half the drink in large gulps then dragged his fingers through the sweet icing, sucking and licking the white frosting from his long fingers one by one. Finishing off the milk, he wiped his mouth with a serviette, as the clocked chimed the passing of the hour and day.

Standing, he made his way back to his chambers. He brushed his teeth in the loo and washed his hands before climbing back into bed.

He managed to get settled back down under the blankets and was drifting off to sleep when his partner turned over and wrapped an arm about his waist. "Where were you?" Harry's sleepy voice asked.

"Minor disturbance, all taken care of." He murmured.

Harry grunted and settled down again. "G'nite, Severus."

Severus smirked in the dark. Another year marked and passed with no one knowing. He was, after all, a man who liked his privacy.
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