Well I am back from Australia and I have to say that it was one of the best times I have ever had. I arrived in melbourne and spent a day there before traveling up to Sydney to spend about 5 days. I had lots of fun in sydney though the weather sucked most of the time and I caught the flu from a girl in my dorm. I explored and mostly just walked around the city and hung out with people in my hostel. I then traveled to Melbourne and hung out for another 5 days, I expored the city and went on tours to Phillip Island and the great ocean road and 12 apostles. After all my sight seeing I went to participate in the National Australian Field Experiment (NAFE) for the next 21 days, where I hiked about 10-15kms per day in the western plains of New South Whales. It was amazing, I hiked by myself through native pasturelands I saw hurds of kangaroos and groups of emus on a daily basis. The best part of it was that I would listen to music and sing at the top of my lungs with no one to hear me, or I would just be alone with my thoughts watching the eagles soaring. It was so wonderful to come home everyday tired and hungery from the days work and not have to think about school or data processing or anythings even remotely stressful. I think this trip was exactly what I needed, I now feel really motivated to do my school work because I rested my brain and was able to talk to people of similar age doing the same things as me.
if you want to see pictures of my trip go to my live space at