Bleach Slash, Round Two!

Sep 25, 2007 19:27

Ahahah, I totally pwned you, pornandkittens n00b bastards! Last time I came here and told you of the evils of Bleach slash, I got barely any response at all! This is a big letdown a great victory against the forces of teh ghei, but just to make sure I got through to you:

The gentlemen in my icon? Ayasegawa Yumichika and Madarame Ikkaku? Do not, in any way, shape, or form, have the hots for each other. We all know, do we not, that best friends never have any kind of attraction for each other? That's right, we do. And the way Yumichika acts towards Ikkaku, the way he lets him have whatever he wants, from his higher rank to the chance to die in battle to the freedom to follow Zaraki-- it's in no way touching, in no way tragic, and in no way the kind of thing we can assume would also carry on behind closed doors or in alleyways in the sleazy parts of Soul Society, or in courtyards in sereitei, or in the 4th division infirmary, or....

I'll admit, Yumichika is probably gay. I mean, come on, with the feathers, and the flashback hime cut, and the queer little dance thing. But none of the other guys in Bleach are! Besides, he doesn't think blood and violence and crazy are pretty, so he couldn't date any of them. The only way to ship him is with his mirror, or maybe Hisagi and his weird little 69 tattoo. Certainly not with Ikkaku, undying devotion and old married couple arguments and that little smile at the end of episode 119 be damned! Besides, Ikkaku has Keigo's sister stalking him, and he is too much of a man to be gay, so just stoppit!

*smirks* There. Fuck you, Bleach slashers! Why aren't there more of you for this pairing, anyway? There's actually more for Hisagi/Yumichika, and while that's fun in a cracktastic way? I want more slash for my actually there subtext, hotdamnit! Plus, I seem to have caught the Black Death, so maybe someone will humor me?


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